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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 00:56:50 +0000

Scanner or study summary displaying closest subgraph level to current price

View Count: 769

[2019-09-08 00:36:13]
User161560 - Posts: 19
Hi - I'd like to create a study summary or scanner that displays in real-time where price is in relation to subgraph levels on my chart. I have a custom study with 25 subgraphs plotted on the chart as horizontal lines and I want to see on a separate window, such as a study summary or real-time spreadsheet, where price is in relation to those subgraphs e.g. if price is closest to subgraph 1 then the study summary/sheet would print the name of subgraph 1. Then if price moves up and becomes closest to subgraph 2 the summary would update in real-time and change to display the name of subgraph 2 etc. Then when I've got that going for one chart I can add different charts and products to the scanner/spreadsheet display.

This seems like it should be really easy, but I got stuck at alert conditions and haven't managed to find a solution. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!

[2019-09-08 10:30:29]
Ackin - Posts: 1865

I was doing something similar ... for your case it would probably have to be modified a little bit, but otherwise it's probably what you're looking for.
Adding OHLC Subgraphs to Number Bars Calculated Values
[2019-09-08 14:05:06]
User161560 - Posts: 19
Thanks Ackin. I really want to create this study myself rather than rely on a custom study that I can't modify, but thanks again for the suggestions.

[2019-09-08 14:24:57]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Ok. If you would need help with your own code in this case, write me a direct message but working with tables in ACSIL is not difficult.

Look at:
SCH example "scsf_NumericInformationGraphDrawTypeExample" studies8.cpp
It can help you a bit with the structure of the table.

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