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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:59:38 +0000
DDE input for SC
View Count: 1215
[2019-08-19 21:26:39] |
User672082 - Posts: 62 |
Hi All, I am trying to build an excel spread sheet to track my pairs trades. I cant find the DDE requirements for excel for SC charts. I have pasted an example of what I am looking for. Can anyone post a link for me for SC specific DDE inputs for excel? Thank you! example: Using RediDDE When RediPlus starts it registered DDE server with name "RediLink" Generic syntax to request data from Excel is =RediLink|<topic name>!'<key1>;<key2>;<...>;<field 1>,<field 2>,<...>' example: =RediLINK|L1!'IBM;lp,op,cp,sym,vol,ap,bp,as,bs' DDE currently support requests for level 1 and positions To request level 1 Topic name = L1 Key = symbol -> example IBM Fields = any from supported list Supported fields: LP - last price BP - bid price AP - ask price BS - bid size AS - ask size DH - day high DL - day low VOL - volume OP - open price CP - close price YBP - yesterday bid price YAP - yesterday ask price AH - annual high AL - annual low SYM - symbol example: request Microsoft bid, ask and last price =RediLINK|L1!'MSFT;bp,ap,lp' options: use the base option symbol, a space plus the Opra month/strike codes example: request IBM DS (IBM APR 95 Call) option bid price =REDILINK|'L1'!'IBM DS;bp' To request positions Topic name = POS Keys first = account -> example 0099AABBCC second = symbol -> example IBM Fields = any from supported list Supported fields: AC - account SYM - symbol POS - position VAL - value PAL - profit and loss example: request position for account '123ABC' symbol Microsoft =RediLINK|POS!'123ABC;MSFT;ac,sym,pos,val,pal' To enter formula containing multiple fields in an Excel multiple cells must be selected and formula entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. This method requesting an "array" of values in Excel |
[2019-08-25 06:00:46] |
No, Sierra Chart does not support DDE. That is a very out of date protocol. This goes back to 1987 with the release of Windows 2.0. Microsoft has not even touched that protocol for 1 to 2 decades now. You need to use the DTC protocol server in Sierra Chart: Data and Trading Communications (DTC) Protocol Server Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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