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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:40:45 +0000

Volume Bars Dominant side Auction Addition

View Count: 1657

[2013-11-25 14:49:35]
TheCalmTrader - Posts: 32
I noticed that you included a Text on dominant side Auction with coloring percentages, Can you please include this option in the VbP study aswell? Also how about a difference of Bid x ask volume With auction side comparisons in Vbp ? Im sure it would be quick just change the arithmetic to diagonal instead of vertical. If you want you can tell me how to modify the vbp study and I can hire Somebody to do this and give you the code.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-11-25 14:51:55
[2013-11-26 17:23:19]
TheCalmTrader - Posts: 32
^ bumb just thought of an idea you could do a tri colored difference bar one green for X% above red for X% below and orange if there is x% presure from both sides at that price. But lemme know what you guys are thinking
[2014-02-20 20:31:09]
Moti - Posts: 63
Please, Very important tool.
[2014-02-20 23:59:01]
TheCalmTrader - Posts: 32
I still dont know why they haven't adressed this problem or even commented

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