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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 18:22:16 +0000

CPU: More Cores or Stronger Cores

View Count: 8287

[2020-09-13 23:22:46]
JayShea - Posts: 92
An update for my post about EZ Trading and the trading computer I bought from them. The C drive recently gave up. Over 6years old. I added a couple of SS drives. The guy that did it for me said the original components in the unit were all high quality. Thought it only fair to make that point.
[2021-01-07 10:43:01]
timdug1 - Posts: 14
I am currently faced with using SC with zoom running an open call all through the day. I have seen that my systems overhead room of about 30% is now entirely taken up by zoom processing which can not be optimised to reduce any further.
I am looking at using the Amd Threadripper 330 which is a very pricey CPU and has 128 threads, but I would rather not spend this much.
There is the i9 10980xe which has 64 but is also expensive but more within budget for this required upgrade.
Is the line from SC engineering still it is more optimal to go for 2x smaller CPUs rather than either of the above CPUs?
If so, I would be interested in getting the best 2x CPUs for this task.
Currently Im using an i7 quad core i7700k 4.2ghz. with 64gb ram and SSDs with SC sitting alone on the partitioned D drive.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
[2021-01-07 21:18:29]
User275592 - Posts: 97
Hi timdug1

If, when you do not run Zoom, sierrachart runs fine on your computer, just buy a laptop with a ryzen 3 4300 cpu ending with U (with NO dedicated graphic card wich is useless) to run Zoom and any other program

for exemple Lenovo Yoga SLim7 14ARE05 14" AMD Ryzen 5 4500U 8 Go RAM 256 Go SSD

The pc with sierrachart is best dedicated to trading nothing else

hope this helps
[2021-01-07 23:37:40]
timdug1 - Posts: 14
Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately I am streaming a screen that is running a 2nd instance and it needs to be the same comp. Would like to keep it to same comp
[2021-01-08 13:46:52]
RonW - Posts: 105
Interesting... do you have approval from the exchange to stream the live data over Zoom that way?
[2021-01-08 14:04:10]
User275592 - Posts: 97

is it your ram or your % cpu which has no room left using Zoom ?
[2021-01-08 14:57:45]
User275592 - Posts: 97
your actual cpu Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz has a performance indice of 9,706 4 cores 8 threads

Sierrachart loves cores and threads but a Threadripper is for me far too much ;-) (and the mother board is VERY expensive too)

Have a look at the Ryzen 9 3950X (performance indice 39,294) 16 cores 32 threads


Choose the best cooler : Noctua NH-U12A (a hot cpu slows down)

a good strong mother board like asus tuf gaming for example

hope this helps
[2022-01-12 21:33:53]
czapeczek - Posts: 13
I have AMD Epyc with 16 cores and it seems Sierra is using only 2 or 1
Would be cool to know if there is a possibility to increase this usage especially for backtest or complicated calculations
[2022-01-13 09:01:52]
User275592 - Posts: 97
how do you monitor the usage of cores by SierraChat ?
[2022-01-14 10:59:51]
czapeczek - Posts: 13
Sorry I am not an expert, this is just what I do:
I don't use any other software than sierra on my machine
It is exactly 2xAMD EPYC 16 cores
When I run a backtest, maximum average CPU usage is 10%

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