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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:38:20 +0000

Linked Charts Issue -- Changing bar period of one chart changes session times of others

View Count: 836

[2018-10-18 03:08:45]
User654912 - Posts: 26
Chartbook setup:

- Symbol: ES
- All charts are linked by symbol
- Chart 1-3 span all hours, these charts are linked by session time
- Chart 4 is daily
- Chart 5 is RTH, this chart is not linked by session time

Whenever I change the bar period of Chart 5, Charts 1-3 change session times to match Chart 5. This should not happen because chart 5 is not linked with the others by session time.
[2018-10-18 22:05:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It is the Session Times Link option on charts 1 through 3 which will control those charts. This is explained here:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2018-10-18 23:23:34]
User654912 - Posts: 26
Yes, but I am not ever changing the session time on Charts 1-3 so the session time should not change when I alter bar period on Chart 5.

I have solved this by unchecking the session time linking on Charts 1-3. Now when I change bar period on Chart 5, session times on Charts 1-3 are unaffected.

Note again, session times linking was never enabled on Chart 5 so it is strange that this chart was able to affect Charts 1-3.
[2018-10-22 18:53:08]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 990
I have been dealing with this issue for some time, and the Sierra response to my 2+ year old post ( Chart Linking Symbol Only Changes other Linked Chart Session Times ) was to create a "Master Mode." While it sort of addressed the problem, it didn't address the fundamental school of thought in how I (and many others) think linking should work.

I have tried to keep this simple, but it needs some detail to get the point across. Please bear with me.

The functionality is described this way:
For example, If you have enabled Link Symbol and Link Bar Period for a particular chart and you change the symbol in another chart or the bar period in another chart that has the same Link Number, then the chart with these options enabled will be changed to match.

The problem here is that what ends up happening. Charts that are not linked by Bar Period end up changing charts that are. Setting the Master Mode for the charts that are not linked by Bar Period only fixes this problem for Bar Period, not for other link options.

To me, Linking is a way of grouping chart settings. A chart is linked to other charts based on the link number. Within those charts are groups of charts that share the same (link option) settings. Unless you are part of the group, a change to one chart only changes the setting for that one chart. If you are part of a group, then all other charts in that group will change too. Charts can be in more than one group, the Symbol group, the Bar Period group, etc. So if a chart has a link option checked, then other charts with the same link number and that same link option checked will get that setting changed too. Period.

Specifically, I think it should work like this: "In a set of charts with the same link number, if a chart is linked by Bar Period, then it changes only when it or another chart that is also linked by Bar Period changes, and charts that are not linked by Bar Period, do not cause changes to other charts."

Instead we get "if any linked chart without its Bar Period Link Option set changes its Bar Period, then all charts linked to that chart with Bar Period checked will be changed"

The way it works now creates more work than it saves except for very simple linking, like all charts sharing the same symbol.

I did a test with four charts (see attached chartbook):

Charts 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all link 1.
Charts 2 and 3 are linked by Symbol.
Charts 3 and 4 are linked by Bar Period.
Other link options may be set or not, but I will only focus on Symbol and Bar Period.

Test Results:
1. Change Chart 1 Bar Period, charts 3 and 4 also change. Chart 2 is unchanged. (Note that I only wanted to change chart 1.)
2. Change Chart 2 Bar Period and Charts 3 and 4 also change. Chart 1 is unchanged. (Again, I did not want 3 and 4 to change.)
3. Change Chart 3 Bar Period, chart 4 also changes. Charts 1 and 2 are unchanged. (OK)

Later on, if I decide I want Chart 1 to be a different period. I change chart 1 and again, charts 3 and 4 change. Now I have to go back and change 3 or 4 back to the original period. An hour later I want to change chart 2, and the same thing happens. What is the point of linking 3 and 4 if I have to reset them every time I change another chart? This amount of rework has led to much frustration.

Now for Master Mode. If I check Master Mode on charts 1 and 2, they will not change charts 3 and 4 bar periods. So the problem is addressed for that specific Link Option.

Now here is where it gets complicated. Suppose I want to change the symbol links to only charts 2 and 3. This way I can have chart 1 be its own symbol and chart 4 also be its own symbol, right? One would think so.

Below is a summary of the chart settings as in the attached chartbook.

Chart Link Symbol  Bar Period  Master Mode
1 1 - - x
2 1 x - x
3 1 x x   -
4 1 - x -  

Here's what happens:
1. Change Chart 1 symbol, no other charts change. (PASS)
2. Change Chart 2 symbol, all charts change. (FAIL, should not change 1 and 4)
3. Change Chart 3 symbol, chart 2 changes. (PASS)
4. Change Chart 4 symbol, charts 2, 3, and 4 Change (FAIL, should not change 2 and 3)

This issue of linking has made it a feature that has sharp edges. If you are very careful, you won't make unexpected changes, but more often than not you may have to clean up changes made you didn't expect. The current functionality is non-intuitive, and the Master Mode only adds a layer of complexity that makes it hard to get the benefits of linking compared to keeping charts unlinked.
Trying to keep track of what change will ripple through Linked charts is almost impossible, due to what I believe is a fundamental misinterpretation of how chart linking should work. Is it time to fix this old problem for good?
attachmentLinkTest.Cht - Attached On 2018-10-22 18:10:32 UTC - Size: 82.7 KB - 327 views

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