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[User Discussion] - 30 minute studies on 1 min charts

View Count: 1858

[2018-05-24 00:51:39]
User481114 - Posts: 17
I have 1 min chart of ES...Would like to visualize horizontal lines that depict the PREVIOUS 30 MIN Hi/Low/Cl bar for ES. So, it's it's 10:10am chart would have H/L/C of ES bars trading from 9:30a - 10:00a. Can this be done?
[2018-05-24 05:06:35]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Refer to this page:
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[2018-05-24 07:56:12]
User481114 - Posts: 17
Hello, attached is screen shot of what I have so far....HOWEVER, two items of importance (1) H/L/C MUST BE THE "PREVIOUS" 30 min bar...like I said...at 10:10am, the Horizontal "HI" would be High between 9:30a & 10:00a. So, it's NOT exactly an overlay based on "same" time period (2) I DO LIKE the "fill" concept as screen shot shows....but ONCE AGAIN...needs to be based on the "PREVIOUS" 30 min bar, NOT the CURRENT 30 min bar.... Maybe a "different" study to be used?
imageSierraSupp2.jpg / V - Attached On 2018-05-24 07:55:52 UTC - Size: 238.24 KB - 437 views
[2018-05-25 01:40:47]
User481114 - Posts: 17
OK, I am certifiable "losing it" !! :-(
This is what I would "like", and can't seem to find, although I am learning a lot....
REQUEST: TO PLOT THE "PREVIOUS" 30Min Hi/Lo range as an overlay on my 1 min chart...(same instrument) Problem is...can't seem to find a STUDY that can give me H/L/C or a PREVIOUS BAR? I've read through dozens of studies...what am I missing? Something about a spread sheet? looked into that...didn't have the foggiest.... In addition, I would "like" a rectangular box to depict such 30M high low range, HOWEVER, have the color of the rectangle be variable, so if the minute bar is trading "BELOW" the 30M Prev Close, it's "red"...and if "above" the PREV CL, it's "green"... I have successfully mapped the rectangle box for the 30 min overlay on 1 Min chart (also used displacement=30, so that range lines up correctly),but it all FAILS because of the PREV CL price... Further, I am at at a loss to understand what 'basis' the coloring is determined by.... There is also a box called AUTO-COLORING....maybe this can be set to the PREV CL so, +/- gives different colors....NOT SURE HOW TO put all this together....would help if I could just understand what study I use in source chart to get H/L/C from prev 30 min bar?
Thank you....are there any video tutorials on navigating through the study section boxes? You can check out image from prior / initial post... thx again...
[2018-05-25 02:44:22]
User481114 - Posts: 17
UPDATE: Well, I have finally figured out the PREV H/L/C....dumb luck and highly inefficient, but progress is progress! So, down to this....mapping out a rectangular box, where color scheme is different, depending up bar movement above/below PREV PC..
Thanks again....
[2018-05-25 05:39:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We thought of mentioning the Period OHLC-Variable Period study but could not think of a proper solution with how that could be used together with the Study/Price Overlay study to do what you want.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2018-05-25 06:24:02]
User481114 - Posts: 17
Hmmm....what is the AUTO COLORING " +/- " draw tool based on? It's two colors, one for each...and what do the minute bars need to do to change the colour? Be + or - CL, if that's the line??. If it's bar "+" the CL, or "-" the CL, why would that not work? I was getting some alternating red and green rectangles yesterday, but don't know what I did....just learning your system...

Compromise would be just a white fill rectangle from HIGH to LOW for the 30 min period. I have mapped out the 30M H/L/C with justs colored lines...which I'm used to already.... HOWEVER.....
INTERESTINGLY, tried to do same with 60 min bars....could not get it to work, finally "duplicated" my 30 min chart...and the study I'm using is the one you mentioned...PERIOD OHLC - Variable....so what's with that??? Every value is a ZERO on the duplicated chart? I just changed the periodicity from 30 to 60 ??

Anyway, thinking of a "second study", using same inputs...but create the "white" or alternating "colored" rectangles...just too much of a novice with the "myriad" of permutations and combinations which I'm just learning....anyway, 2:30am, need to be up soon !!!
Thanks...maybe you'll think of something....but WOULD LIKE to get those 60 min prior bars going....That's a REAL head scratcher !!
[2022-08-04 02:16:02]
User791909 - Posts: 7
Old thread, but thought I would post here since I stumbled on the conversation recently. Here's how I do it. Seems like what you're asking for. Attached is a Chartbook with a 1 minute chart and a 30 minute chart. The one minute chart has an overlay from the 30 minute chart's data for High and Low. Note the study formulas on the 30 minute chart. You can also do similar with the Value Area High / Low study for prior bar data as an overlay. Also note that on the 1 minute chart, the studies need to have the bar time matching criterion set to "contains match" in the study settings, otherwise, the overlay is offset by an incorrect amount.

attachment30min on 1min.Cht - Attached On 2022-08-04 02:15:22 UTC - Size: 7.89 KB - 311 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2022-08-04 02:24:36]
User791909 - Posts: 7
Looks like the screen capture failed. Here's another attempt. Happy trading.
image30m on 1m.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-08-04 02:24:28 UTC - Size: 1.49 MB - 127 views

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