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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:39:42 +0000

Bid Ask Volume Bars open/close color

View Count: 1723

[2018-03-03 14:56:22]
User132748 - Posts: 159
How can I change open/close dash marker color? No such option on Graphic settings and Bar Open/Close doesnt work for them.
[2018-03-03 17:33:23]
jsoviero - Posts: 84
One simple method of highlighting the open or the close of each bar is by using the simple moving average study and setting the period to 1 and setting the draw style to dash, select any color you like and select the width size to increase the prominence. Hope this suggestion helps you. :-)
[2018-03-03 18:44:34]
JoseyWales - Posts: 67
If you go to the Menubar->Global Settings->Graphic Settings-> Click the Tab called Other, there is a checkbox titled "Color Entire OHLC bar the High/Low Color" which when enabled will color the Open and Close dashes the same color of the bar. I enable this setting every time I do a fresh install of Sierra Chart. But this setting has to be disabled if you want to explicitly set the Bar Open and Bar Close color settings on the Colors and Widths Tab.

See the Bar Open and Bar Close documentation notes here:
Graphics Settings: Colors and Widths
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-03-03 18:57:55
[2018-03-03 19:49:30]
User132748 - Posts: 159
Thanks for your suggestions.

I had always this option set to true (Color Entire OHLC bar the High/Low Color). Unchecking that option still doesnt allow to change open/close dash color. It does allow for all other bar type charts though. I have glowing white dashes which makes my dark chart scattered with them. I wanted to darken them or even switch off totally. No luck for now.
[2018-03-03 20:52:14]
JoseyWales - Posts: 67
I assume your Graph Draw Type is set to OHLC bars.

On the chart that still has glowing white dashes try going to the Menubar->Chart->Graphics Settings - Chart and make sure the checkbox Use Global Graphics Settings Instead Of These Settings is checked. And then modify the global Graphics settings Bar Open and Bar Close colors, and double check the checkbox titled "Color Entire OHLC bar the High/Low Color" is unchecked. As described above.

If you really don't want the Open and Close dashes, you can go to Menubar->Chart->Chart Settings and change your Graph Draw Type to HL bars or even Candlestick bars and enable the checkbox on the bottom "Save Days to Load, Intraday Bar Period, Graph Draw Type as Default". From then on new charts will be based on the graph draw type you selected.
[2018-03-04 17:54:43]
User132748 - Posts: 159
I use Bid Ask Volume Bars as stated in subject of this thread. No possibility to change open/close dash color. Works fine for OHLC bars, etc but not for Bid Ask Volume Bars.
[2018-03-04 18:59:48]
JoseyWales - Posts: 67
You're right. All this time I assumed you were talking about OHLC bars, my apologies. There's options under "Bid Ask Bar:" toward the end of the list to change the color of the bars themselves but I see nothing for the open and close dashes.

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