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New Offering - Order Flow Trading Bots aka SceetoBots

View Count: 31338

[2018-08-14 23:35:59]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
14-AUG-2018 - New Functionality Released

BreachBots Beta - Trimmed Down GUI (We are down to 1 button to manage this bot).
BreachBots Beta - BreachBot now supports hotkey combinations.
BreachBots Beta - Low level execution fixes

New SceetoBots Alert - 2 Standard Deviation Tick Ratio
New SceetoBots Alert - Sweep 1,2,3

In the Development Queue

A 'Stand-down' button is being added to the Launch Pad....this button will allow the trader to tell all enabled bots to turn themselves off once any one bot sends an entry order.

This will keep folks, particularly me, from forgetting to turn off bots.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-08-14 23:57:49
[2018-09-03 16:40:52]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
20 Microsecond Order Submission Time via Sierra Chart - Why is This Important?

The realm of 20 microseconds is now in the hands of day-traders...

The release notes of Sierra Chart 1793 [Release Date: 2018-08-24] state that the time it takes for Sierra Chart to package up an order and send it out is 20 microseconds...that's microseconds.

"Continued trading related performance improvements. These performance improvements are a major step forward for Sierra Chart to support high-performance trading for both small and large scale trading (thousands of orders a second). Initial testing shows that order submission from the chart out to the network takes less than 20 microseconds."

Why is this important?

SceetoBots allow you to proactively deploy specific trading bots that work best in the current market environment.

[SCEETO - Self-Contained-Electronic-Exchange-Trading-Objects]

If the market is trending, you can deploy a SceetoBot that works best in a trend (but is not likely to work well in a stagnant market).

This approach gives you flexibility with automated trading.

Instead of a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to automated trading, SceetoBot traders can deploy bots that are geared to take advantage of specific market environments, price action patterns, and order flow patterns by proactively deploying bots that are staged in the right place and the right time to be triggered if all of the stars align (ie - if the bots particular trading rules are met).

If the SceeetoBot's trading rules are not met, the bot will either turn itself off, circle a bit longer, or be turned off by the trader - No Harm, No Foul.

This approach means no undue trading, guessing, or being a little late or a little too early with your mouse-click.

Once the action takes place on your chart, your SceetoBot that is running within Sierra Chart will notify Sierra Chart of what order you want placed and Sierra Chart will deploy that order in 20 microseconds.

As a further benefit if you co-locate you server in Chicago, the time to transmit that order to the exchange is also sub-millisecond.

Hence, scalping opportunities that may have eluded you in the past because you had to wait for the signal then click you mouse, are now within reach of your SceetoBot.

Free Trials are available here:


More information on execution methods here:

[2018-09-06 21:33:08]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Thoughts on how trading bots running within Sierra Chart, when deployed wisely, can leverage both your time and your capital:

imageSierra Chart - Order Flow - Order Flow w.Pivot SceetoBot.jpg / V - Attached On 2018-09-06 21:32:16 UTC - Size: 237.5 KB - 1092 views
[2018-09-10 22:37:47]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Getting a head's up that there may be a trading opportunity., via an alert, is a primary component in using the SceetoBots workflow.

4 out of 5 dentists say that waiting for an alert to give you a head's up is better than staring at your screen all day.

I have found that once you have the head's up, making the determination whether to deploy a bot, or not, is pretty easy and quick.

Hence, the more head's ups the better.

The order flow events that I want to be cognizant of in real-time are as follows:

Sweep 1
Sweep 2
2 Standard Deviation Tick Ratio

Here are a bunch of .wav files that will alert you when Conclusionary Order Flow tees up a potential opportunity to launch one, or more, SceetoBots:

[2018-09-10 22:41:54]
TapeReader - Posts: 89

Yet still trading?

Want to know your SceetoBots are doing?

Use these audio alerts:

[2018-09-26 02:54:15]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Kasparov, IBM's Deep Blue & Their Intersection with Day Trading.

I hope that you find this kind of stuff as interesting as I do.

[2018-09-30 01:57:36]
User20450 - Posts: 330
[2018-09-30 02:19:05]
User20450 - Posts: 330
got a group of people trying this out and we all experience same thing and not even running it yet massive mem hog and i have 32gb with 8700 i7
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[2018-09-30 13:57:21]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Thanks for putting this out there as it has finally forced me to write some background on why there is a memory hit, and some Best Practices/Lesson's Learned on how to configure the platform to be more efficient with memory.

There is a large memory allocation with SceetoBots.

The 'Not Responding' that you are experiencing will disappear once the initial launch/load of the studies settles.

Some thoughts on why SceetoBots use so much memory:

SceetBots is has an R&D component, a order flow processing component,a SceetoBot configuration tool, and self-contained trading orbs.

When you load a full chart of all of this stuff, there are not only a lot of core components that are readied for memory, all of the data that any trading orb might need is also loaded into memory a separate time in a separate memory space so that the trading orbs execution responsibilities are never hindered by another data request or CPU request when it's time to get into a trade.

This benefit of the decision to replicate data so that it could be used exclusively by the trading orbs, and not accessible by your 'visual'charts, pays off when your Sceeto's
trading rules allows it to get into a trade.

Our platform is tuned to get your orders into the book at GLOBEX (or other exchanges) as soon as possible. Additional memory allocation for this is a good use of memory.

Hence, we decided to not be too frugal with RAM, as speed on the limit entry order can provide more upside than managing high RAM downside.

So, your experience of this memory hit is because with the templates that we provide, all of these tools are loaded simultaneously - and this does come with a memory hit.

However, there are a few configuration tips that you can use to make your experience lighter.

Some thoughts on how configure, and use, SceetoBots as efficiently as possible.

1. Aggregating the responsibilities of visualizing data on charts in one chartbook while keeping all of the Sceeto's trading responsibilities into another chartbook.

2. The chartbook where you are running your Sceeto's for trading should only contain 1 or 2 days worth of data. There is no need to load 50 days of a bunch of deeply processed order flow data into a Sceeto's memory, when the Sceeto's trading responsibilities are focused on real-time data.

3. If you are not doing R&D, do not load large amounts of days on your charts.

4. If you are doing R&D and have 50 - 100 days on your charts, you will have to wait for the memory settle. However, there is a tremendous upside to waiting the few minutes to load your chart. Sceeto ships with a reporting tool that takes advantage of this large memory allocation...and makes doing back-testing research unbelievably fast.

Here's a video on it's functionality.


What is great about this research tool, is that it allows you click, click, click, to reconfigure a Sceeto, and then click the 'Dash' button and within a second or two, your back-tested results will be presented to you....which is a much nicer experience of having to run a 5 minute back-test every time you want to test one configuration change (This is where a lot of the memory hit goes - but its a good use of memory).

Apologies for this initial on-board confusion that you experienced. We are working hard on making the 'getting up to speed' experience better, which includes the following functionality:

1. Change Sceeto study menu option that is exposed when right-clicking on a chart per graphic

2. Change study name from SceetoBots to Sceeto

3. Change the directory location for the sceetobots_config.xml file from the SceetoBots folder to the SC\data folder \\ (This will allow for a much easier experience to
share/swap/save trading orb configurations).

4. Update default settings in Sceeto study for less initial configuration by the user.

5. Add input to Sceeto study that automatically launches the Global Launch Pad - where the default is to launch the Global Launch Pad. \\ Super-Important

6. Add input to Sceeto study that allows the user to automatically launch the local chart Launch Pad - where the default is to not launch the local chart Launch Pad.

We have just completed development of a new build of SceetoBots that is scoped to make the initial launch experience better.

This build is being tested and will be rolled out by Wednesday.

On another note, I think this new method for trading is going to be an astounding site to see....the Sceeto's have entirely upgraded my trading experience, and my lifestyle.

Beyond the software, we have developed a workflow for using the Sceetos that took a while to evolved.

We have been hosting workshops on this new man & machine trading workflow...and have some documentation on it being groomed.

One final thought that I think is important to communicate, when you are loading SceetoBots, you are loading your own entire quant trading firm onto your computer...so though, it is a lot of stuff...it's great stuff to have at your fingertips. :-)

If you ever get stuck, please reach out to us either via this Sierra Chart forum or via our help desk which you can access here:


We appreciate the effort that early adopters have put into this experience and greatly value your comments.
[2018-10-04 13:43:14]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Users have requested a quick way to get up and running with Sceeto.

We have developed new quick-launch functionality that automatically surfaces a Global Sceeto Launch Pad pre-loaded with 24 Sceetos trading 4 markets (CL, CG, NQ, 6B).

These Sceetos can be readily deployed on any futures market.

How to video available on YouTube and attached to this thread.


If you would like an assist with configuring your Sceetos reach out to us at support@sceeto.com
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-10-04 13:45:38
attachmentHow to Launch Sceeto Quick Start for Sierra Chart.mp4 - Attached On 2018-10-04 13:42:41 UTC - Size: 2.66 MB - 550 views
[2018-10-06 18:44:23]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
The 2 attached chartbooks are configured so that they launch quickly while providing a baseline for traders to get their heads around trading with Orbs.

These 2 chartbooks cover 4 markets (CL, ES, GC and 6E) and have with 2 Sceetos per market (1 Long and 1 Short) for a total of 8 Sceetos.

A Sceeto is a Self Contained Electronic-Exchange Trading Orb.

These Sceetos use Sierra Chart's 'Attached Orders'.

Also attached is an Attached Order configuration file where the stop = 8 and the target = 24.

This Attached Order does not include either a Breakeven Stop or a Trailing Stop.

You may want to tinker with the stops.

I am able to launch both of these chartbooks in under a minute on a machine that has just 8 GB of RAM.

The chartbooks should be saved to:


Caveat - The chart symbols herein are using the Sierra Chart data feed.

If you are using another data feed such as DTN or a data feed supplied by your broker the symbols will need to be updated accordingly.

Hope this helps,
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-10-06 19:14:22
attachmentSceeto Quick Start - Order Flow Only - No Orbs.Cht - Attached On 2018-10-06 19:11:54 UTC - Size: 384.92 KB - 947 views
attachmentSceeto Quick Start - Order Flow w.Pivot Orbs.Cht - Attached On 2018-10-06 19:12:01 UTC - Size: 129.35 KB - 498 views
attachment8x24.twconfig - Attached On 2018-10-06 19:12:13 UTC - Size: 6.52 KB - 484 views
[2018-10-21 15:57:12]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
A bevy of audio alerts have been created for SceetoBots.

They are currently available for download here:


We are working with Sierra Chart so that they can be automatically installed, and configured for new SceetoBot users who use a fresh installation of Sierra Chart.

We will also be publishing a global config file to assist with configuring these alerts.

The alerts are a key part of our trading workflow.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-10-21 15:58:46
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imageSC_Order Flow Alerts.jpg / V - Attached On 2018-10-21 15:58:40 UTC - Size: 189.88 KB - 704 views
[2019-04-19 23:21:30]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
"A head's up in time, save nine." - If Ben Franklin were a trader.

Updated Order Flow alerts and documentation have been made available for download here:

imageSierra Chart Order Flow Alerts ES.jpg / V - Attached On 2019-04-19 23:20:06 UTC - Size: 640.17 KB - 683 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2019-05-15 21:12:55]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
We have started a YouTube playlist dubbed, "Reading Order Flow & Bot Deployment In Action".

Our initial few videos are up that show conclusionary order flow and bot deployment in ES using 2 and 5 tick range bar charts....more vids will be added on a regular basis.

Please take a moment to peruse these insights:


If you have any questions about how order flow can affect prices changes, or how to deploy bots to capture specific order flow events, please feel free to reach out to me via our help desk here:

[2019-05-24 14:09:37]
TapeReader - Posts: 89
Stand Down Button - Explanatory Video https://www.youtube.com/embed/-u8wYjASu6s

P** [9:50 AM]
Can I have a long and short bot on at the same time?

Carl [9:50 AM]
Yes. You could also instruct the two bots that if one fires the other one should turn off.

P*** [9:50 AM]
Good. That was case this morning.

C [9:50 AM]
Also they could both trade and then reverse the position
I have found that I also use a long and short bot simultaneously.

Whoever gets the break wins

Carl [9:50 AM] Also, you can deploy them in a mode that if on fires. the other one is cleared to reverse the position.I have found that I also use a long and short bot simultaneously.


SceetoBots allows for may different deployment configurations so that you can have the flexibility to deploy multiple bots simultaneously even if you do not want all the bots to trade.

For instance, your analysis indicates that the market is about to go down...but when and how it is going to go down is not a certainty.

In this case you can deploy a handful of different short bots, and whichever short bot's order flow and/or price action rules are met first, will engage in a trade - while simultaneously informing all of the other deployed bots to 'Stand Down'.

I frequently use different bots because I can deploy one bot with a sequence of order flow events that frequently occur just prior to the market going down but do not always occur - while I simultaneously deploy another bot that is looking for a different sequence of order flow events that occur just prior to the market going down.

This way I have multiple bots out there hunting down different things, but they won't step on each other, nor over-step on my account.

I hope that you find this stuff as interesting as I do.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-05-24 16:30:32

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