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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 21:36:39 +0000

Compact Tool Values Window not moving with chart

View Count: 1558

[2017-09-10 21:05:10]
Walt Dickerson - Posts: 8
I'm new to Sierra Chart and trying to display the OHLC and Volume data for bars (as I scroll around the chart). I can't figure out a way to display them on the control bar so I activated the Compact Tool Values windows and set it to horizontal.

The problem is that when I move the chart around the screen, this window stays in one place. I have to drag it separately.

Is there a better way to display the OHLC and Volume data for each bar (as I move the mouse). If not, how can I anchor the CTV to a chart?

I'm using Sierra Chart version 1605 on a Windows 10 PC with dual monitors. In Global Settings->Tool Settings, I have "Save Tool Values Window Position for Each Chart", "Save CTV Window Position for Each Chart" and "Use Horizontal Compact Tool Values Windows Layout" all checked.
[2017-09-10 21:26:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You just have to enable this for the position to be saved with the chart:
"Save CTV Window Position for Each Chart"

We verified this does work.

We assume you are moving the chart around by dragging its title bar?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-09-10 21:53:51]
Walt Dickerson - Posts: 8
I double checked and I do have "Save CTV Window Position for Each Chart" checked.

When I move the chart by dragging the title bar, the CTV window stays in place. I can drag the chart around the screen or to the second monitor and the CTV window doesn't move at all. It stays in the original spot (which is now separate from the chart and even on a different monitor from the char)
[2017-09-10 22:30:51]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What we discovered is that the Compact Tool Values Window top left corner must be contained within the coordinates of the chart window itself, for the Compact Tool Values Window to move with the chart window.

Otherwise it will not. It is designed this way because there are problems with moving it under certain conditions when it is not within the bounds of the chart window it is associated with.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-09-10 22:41:53
[2017-09-10 22:55:13]
Walt Dickerson - Posts: 8
I do have the CTV window top left corner within the chart. I've actually tried moving it to many positions in the chart, then dragging the chart. The CTV window never moves with the chart.

I turned off the second monitor thinking that might help but it didn't. I also turned off the CTV, turned it back on, unchecked "Save CTV Window Position for Each Chat" and checked it again, tried Windows->Reset Windows and anything else I could think off. I'm still brand new to Sierra Chart, though, and only have a limited understanding of all the sub-menus and options.

Here is a screen showing the position of the CTV. When I click the chart title bar and drag the chart to the right (or anywhere else), the CTV window doesn't move with the chart.


Edit: Hmm, that image does not show the CTV window at all. It was in the middle of the screen. I can take a screen shot and upload it but the positing guidelines said to use Edit->Screen Images->Upload Chart and then paste the generated link.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-09-10 22:57:21
[2017-09-10 23:04:09]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You need to use Edit >> Screen Images >> Upload Chart with Overlays.

In order to isolate the reason for the issue, we are going to make a small change which will be out Monday in the pre-release.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-09-13 16:02:55]
Walt Dickerson - Posts: 8
I waited a few days and downloaded and installed the last two PreRelease versions. I am now using version 1610 and the problem persists.

To review:

I have the CTV window within the borders of the chart (see image) and Global Settings->Tool Settings->"Save CTV Window Position for Each Chart" is checked. But the CTV window does not move when I drag the main chart window around the screen or move it to another screen.

Is there anything more I can do?

If this cannot be fixed, I will try to write a custom study which provides the functionality I need but I would prefer to use the CTV window as it is pretty flexible. Plus I'm new to Sierra Chart and don't know how to write custom studies for it yet!

[2017-09-13 17:46:47]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are surprised you are still having an issue and we tested this on another system that has two monitors and we could not reproduce the issue. The Compact Tool Values window moves precisely with the chart as the chart is moved around the screen.

We really do not know how to help with this in your case. It clearly is a system specific issue and we cannot reproduce it.

Although we will still think about this and see if we come up with any other ideas.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-09-13 17:47:54
[2017-09-21 05:21:21]
Walt Dickerson - Posts: 8
I'm not sure if I should post an update or not but I did resolve this problem.

The CTV window works fine and moves with the chart as long as the chart is not maximized. The CTV window does not move with the chart / main sierra charts window when it's maximized and I move the entire window by dragging the main sierra charts window.

I assume that is what was meant by "dragging the title bar" of the chart but I didn't understand it as I am still new to this all. Hopefully this post will help if anyone else encounters this situation.
[2017-09-21 05:27:54]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The CTV window does not move with the chart / main sierra charts window when it's maximized and I move the entire window by dragging the main sierra charts window.

Yes of course this does make sense. We never really thought about that. We can support this as well. But it is a scenario that we really never even thought of to begin with.

We are happy to understand what is now happening because it really didn't make sense to begin with.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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