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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 18:36:13 +0000

Disable trading on one DOM

View Count: 2203

[2017-07-27 23:38:23]
Solaris24 - Posts: 1
Hi SC Support,

Is there a way to disable trading on only one Trade DOM window?

For example I have ES and NQ next to each other, but only trade the ES. I’d like to prevent accidentally submitting orders on the NQ DOM.

I’ve tried removing the buy/sell order columns, but apparently you cannot.
I’ve also looked at “Ignore Input” under the chart DOM settings, but they are global not chart-specific.

[2017-07-28 19:11:02]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You just need to enable Order Confirmations through the M/Menu button on the attached Trade Window.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-07-28 19:12:26
[2017-07-28 19:12:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Prior post has been updated.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2019-10-15 18:41:18]
Woodzy - Posts: 35
Is this still the only way to kind off lock certain DOMs? I tried Confirm New Orders in the M menu from Trade Window, but I can still place limit orders on DOM without any confirmation. I only want one DOM unlocked for trading, and 3 or 4 up for reference but locked to trading.
[2019-10-15 21:53:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This would mean you are enabling the Confirmations on the wrong Trade Window. Refer to:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Trade Window Settings Not Applying to Chart or Trading DOM

Or just use a standard chart and enable this option to see the market data columns:
Trade Menu: Show Market Data Columns (Trade menu)

You would not be able to trade from a standard chart that is not in chart trade mode.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2019-10-24 21:38:16]
User76183 - Posts: 69
What I did. I customized DOM, detached it's window, created DOM's Control Bar (Customize Control Bar-find "Trading Locked"), so as to have own button "Trading Locked". By pushing this button I activate/deactivate trading through this DOM
[2022-01-18 19:26:00]
User952036 - Posts: 16
A possibility is:

Open the trade windows for the chart.
Put an OCO order in with target and stop.
Set the quantities for the OCO orders = 0
Close the trade windows for the chart.

If you now click in the buy/ask column, this produces an error message:

Trade Order Error - There is only one Attached Order and it is set to 'All OCO Groups'. Set it to another OCO Group to continue with order entry. | 2022-01-18 19:08:16.819 *

However, no orders or trades are placed in the dom/market.
Attachment Deleted.
imageerror chart window.JPG / V - Attached On 2022-01-18 19:24:38 UTC - Size: 60.79 KB - 198 views

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