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[Programming Help] - Spreadsheet System for Trading - trouble triggering trade

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[2017-04-27 18:54:37]
User930315 - Posts: 55
I'm having trouble consistently triggering trades in the Spreadsheet System for Trading.
In this case I'm in Trade Simulation Mode.

The trade log shows this as the reason the order signal was ignored:

Spreadsheet System - Replay 10.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #2 | Spreadsheet: AutoTrading | Buy Entry | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is TRUE | Bar start date-time: 2017-04-27 08:40:00 | 2017-04-27 12:24:05

I have set no alerts that I'm aware of outside of any that might be generated by the Spreadsheet System for Trading, and I'm not sure where to look to figure out what alert is the issue. I've also gone through the troubleshooting info posted on the Sierra Chart Support website.

I've verified the following:

Auto Trading Enabled - Checked
Reset Condition on New Bar - No
Signal Only Once Per Bar - Yes
Send Orders to Trade Service - No
Signal Only on Bar Close - No for all settings
Enhanced System Signal Related Logging - Yes

Historical data has completed downloading.

In the Spreadsheet System For Trading Worksheet
Buy Entry - Cell K3 = 1
Disable Auto Trading - J28 = 0

I'm sure I'm missing something, but can't figure out what it might be. Any help would be appreciated.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-27 18:55:32
[2017-04-28 04:59:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You are getting this message:

Spreadsheet System - Replay 10.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #2 | Spreadsheet: AutoTrading | Buy Entry | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is TRUE | Bar start date-time: 2017-04-27 08:40:00 | 2017-04-27 12:24:05

Because of this:
Buy Entry - Cell K3 = 1

This should have already caused a buy order to have been entered and none will be entered until it goes back to 0.

Set K3 to 0 and then select Trade >> Clear Trade Simulation Orders and Data.

Then set K3 to 1 and you will get a new buy order.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2017-05-01 16:26:44]
User930315 - Posts: 55
I've set this up as suggested but the problem was not resolved so I started from scratch with a new spreadsheet and spent a few hours again inputting all formulas.

After clearing all trades and positions K3 & M3 are zero. In this case when M3 toggles to 1 a short trade arrow is shown on the screen but the trade does not trigger.

The Trade Service Log shows:

Spreadsheet System - Replay 5.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #5 | Spreadsheet: AutotradingV2.0 | Buy Entry | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is FALSE | Bar start date-time: 2017-05-01 08:40:00 | 2017-05-01 10:23:42
Spreadsheet System - Replay 5.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #5 | Spreadsheet: AutotradingV2.0 | Buy Exit (Sell) | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is FALSE | Bar start date-time: 2017-05-01 08:40:00 | 2017-05-01 10:23:42
Spreadsheet System - Replay 5.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #5 | Spreadsheet: AutotradingV2.0 | Sell Entry | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is TRUE | Bar start date-time: 2017-05-01 08:40:00 | 2017-05-01 10:23:42
Spreadsheet System - Replay 5.0X: YM-201706-ECBOT [CBV] 20 Min #5 | Spreadsheet: AutotradingV2.0 | Sell Exit (Buy) | Signal ignored because current Alert Condition is FALSE | Bar start date-time: 2017-05-01 08:40:00 | 2017-05-01 10:23:42

You can see the Alert condition toggles from FALSE to TRUE in the log so this trade should be triggering unless there is something not shown in the log that is set wrong.

Auto Trading Enabled - Checked
Reset Condition on New Bar - No
Signal Only Once Per Bar - Yes
Send Orders to Trade Service - No
Signal Only on Bar Close - No for all settings
Enhanced System Signal Related Logging - Yes
Trade Simulation Mode On
Connected to Data Feed - Chart updated - Yes

What else can I check to find this problem?

Thanks you.
[2017-05-02 13:06:03]
User930315 - Posts: 55
I'm not sure why there has been no response. Is additional information required? Have I missed something obvious?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-05-02 13:08:12
[2017-05-03 05:48:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This has been marked as Programming Help because it is not within the scope of our support.

Refer to:
Automated Trading Management: Troubleshooting Automated Trading System Behavior

You must go through this simple example here:
Spreadsheet System for Trading Test Procedure

That is the only example we would provide support for.

You can see the Alert condition toggles from FALSE to TRUE in the log so this trade should be triggering unless there is something not shown in the log that is set wrong.
This is not what we see at all. The 4 log messages are for the four separate Order Actions. None of them are the same.

We recommend that you seek paid third-party help here:

Or we could help with the example/procedure here:
Spreadsheet System for Trading Test Procedure
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-05-03 06:21:15
[2017-05-03 20:36:01]
User930315 - Posts: 55
Thank you for the response.

I did not copy enough of the log. The previous bar's log entries had all 4 conditions as FALSE. The one condition I referenced toggled to TRUE on the bar for the log entries I copied. The corresponding spreadsheet cell toggled from 0 to 1 on that bar.

My K3 and M3 conditions are short simple spreadsheet formulas that are correctly changing from 0 to 1 when my conditions are met. The trade is intermittently not triggering, and according to your documentation if all settings are correct that should not happen.

A programmer is not going to help me with this because this is not a programming error. My formula is working exactly as intended.

Rather than simply assuming this is user error, would you please let me know what of information you need provided so you can see that a problem does exist? Perhaps this is something you haven't seen before.
[2017-05-03 20:56:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Set this input to No:

Enhanced System Signal Related Logging - Yes
When one of the Order Action cells, K3 through N3 is currently 0, and it goes to true and the signal is ignored, at that moment in time, provide the last 5 lines of the Trade >> Trade Service Log.

That is going to clearly indicate the reason why the signal is ignored.

We do not believe there is anything unexpected or unusual going on. But if necessary we could use a brief remote assistance session to look at this assuming you can easily demonstrate the problem.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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