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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:45:43 +0000

Chart with IQFeed and T&S with IB data feed

View Count: 1653

[2013-07-22 17:31:07]
User30668 - Posts: 108
Hello Support Team,

I have subscribed IQfeed free trial last week and I have been making some testing.

Up to now I’m having just one problem that I can’t figure out the solution:

I have a 2 range chart open in the instance that is connected to my broker (IB) and this chart is sharing the IQFeed data from a remote instance and it is working well.

I have the option “Use non-Chart Data from Remote Instances” not selected, so I think this chart should be receiving all the rest of the data, including T&S, from IB.

When I open a T&S window from this chart, the T&S window appears but without any data. I thought I would get the T&S data from IB in that T&S window.

Is this not possible to do or am I doing anything wrong?

Thanks in advance.

[2013-07-22 17:56:13]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Go to that chart and select Chart >> Chart Settings. What do you have set for "Alternate Real-Time Update Symbol"? It needs to be set to the corresponding Interactive Brokers symbol.

Also, you are running a slightly older version and we recommend updating because this may resolve the problem. To update select Help >> Download Current Version.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-07-22 17:56:37
[2013-07-22 18:46:48]
User30668 - Posts: 108
Ok, it was just that setting "Alternate Real-Time Update Symbol".

It is working now.

Sorry to take your time.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-07-22 18:47:07
[2013-07-23 03:19:06]
joshtrader - Posts: 485
As a side issue, why would you want IB T&S data, which is completely inaccurate, when you have great IQFeed data to run your T&S?
[2013-07-23 14:08:33]
User30668 - Posts: 108

I am just running some tests for now and comparing the different results.

To answer your question, the inaccurate IB T&S provides some useful information that IQFeed does not provide.

[2013-07-23 14:15:48]
joshtrader - Posts: 485
Ok--what useful information?
[2013-07-23 16:53:17]
User30668 - Posts: 108
Answering your question would take me much beyond the scope of this forum.

Do you want me to email you?

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