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Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 22:02:22 +0000

Chart scroll and chart values

View Count: 1445

[2016-05-01 16:44:43]
User447007 - Posts: 41

Is there any settings for move (scroll) chart with mouse/touchpad left click, or by simply with touch screen "touch and move"?
I know mouse scroll move it, but I would prefer "left click and move".

Is there any settings to see chart values (previous bars too) in chart header?
Or if I would use compat chart values tool, could I set for several charts that tool simultaneously?
I mean if I could see compact chart values tool in every chart without choose one chart and click on it?
As I use many charts in a chartbook I would like to see the values of the different chart with moving pointer to the charts
only (without any click every time).
[2016-05-02 18:49:49]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368

Is there any settings for move (scroll) chart with mouse/touchpad left click, or by simply with touch screen "touch and move"?
Refer to:


You can simply use a touchscreen and drag the scrollbar box at the bottom of the chart.

Is there any settings to see chart values (previous bars too) in chart header?
Refer to:

Or if I would use compat chart values tool, could I set for several charts that tool simultaneously?
I mean if I could see compact chart values tool in every chart without choose one chart and click on it?
As I use many charts in a chartbook I would like to see the values of the different chart with moving pointer to the charts
only (without any click every time).

This is not supported.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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