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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 19:21:59 +0000

[User Discussion] - ACSIL Trading offsets

View Count: 961

[2016-02-13 23:24:08]
rhovega - Posts: 279
Looking into ACSIL documentation and examples. For any of the following (all taken from the provided tradingsystems.cpp):

NewOrder.Target1Offset = 8*sc.TickSize;
NewOrder.Stop1Offset = 8*sc.TickSize;

Would it work to replace "8*sc.TickSize" by "sc.ATR(sc.BaseDataIn[SC_LAST], sc.Subgraph[0], 20, MOVAVGTYPE_SIMPLE)" (or another Intermediate Study Calculation Function)?

Documentation here https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/doc_ACSILTrading.html#StopOffset would indicate that ACSIL can only use either ticks or actual price values as inputs for offsets, but not sure.

Thank you
[2016-02-14 01:13:46]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
It seems likely that it would work. Try it in sim and see what happens.
[2016-02-14 02:38:03]
rhovega - Posts: 279

As reference for anyone interested, this is what I did:

On an existing trading system (from tradingsystem.cpp):

1. Defined: SCSubgraphRef ATRSubgraph = sc.Subgraph[5]
2. Calculated the ATR: sc.ATR(sc.BaseDataIn, ATRSubgraph, 20, MOVAVGTYPE_SIMPLE)
3. Got the ATR's value: float ATRAtIndex = sc.Subgraph[5].Data[sc.Index]
4. In the target/stop function, replaced "X*sc.TickSize" by "ATRAtIndex"

Thanks Kiwi

btw use the trailing stop you made a lot, awesome work!
[2017-05-09 14:06:27]
User333736 - Posts: 22
Kiwi's Trailing Stop - what is the correct way to set this up Kiwi?

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