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Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:42:09 +0000

How large can SCString be?

View Count: 1098

[2016-01-31 23:43:07]
@sstfrederik - Posts: 404

I am building a text block and writing that to screen with s_UseTool. In below code MyLineText is added to the SCString. How many text can a SCString have?

When I have a few more lines they will not display. Any other away to solve this than using s_UseTool at every line?


  SCString str_Temp = DisplayTextString;
  DisplayTextString.Format("%s%s%s", str_Temp.GetChars(), "\r\n", MyLineText.GetChars());

[2016-02-01 00:19:26]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
SCString has no limitation, but you might be encountering limitations with the Windows operating system when the text is being outputted to the chart window.

Without examining the code we are also not sure how multiline text is handled within Sierra Chart and whether that is properly passed to the OS. We will need to check on this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2016-02-01 01:58:46]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
To build a multi line text block, be sure to use "\n" as the delimiter and also set the MultiLineLabel flag to a value of one in the UseTool structure.

The documentation is being updated with that info.
[2016-02-01 20:52:56]
@sstfrederik - Posts: 404
I did the above, but not all lines are displayed as before. Does this need an update of SC?
[2016-02-01 21:23:13]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
No, there are no changes required in SC.

In the next version, we have added a simple sample study "UseTool Example: Multiline Text" which shows how this works. It is located in routine scsf_UseToolExampleMultilineText in studies.cpp.

Here is a portion of that code:

  s_UseTool Tool;

  Tool.ChartNumber = sc.ChartNumber;
  int &LineNumber = sc.GetPersistentInt(1);
  if(LineNumber != 0)
    Tool.LineNumber = LineNumber;
  Tool.Region = 0;
  Tool.DrawingType = DRAWING_TEXT;
  Tool.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
  Tool.Text = "Text Example\nSecond Line\nThird Line\nForth Line";

  Tool.BeginIndex = BarIndex;
  Tool.BeginValue = sc.Close[BarIndex];

  Tool.Color = COLOR_YELLOW;  
  Tool.MultiLineLabel = 1;     
  Tool.FontFace = sc.GetChartTextFontFaceName();
  Tool.FontSize = 14;
  Tool.FontBold = 1;

  LineNumber = Tool.LineNumber;

This code will draw four lines of text 20 bars back.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-02-01 21:25:18
[2016-02-01 21:46:10]
@sstfrederik - Posts: 404
Ok. thanks.

I double checked my code. Still no change. In this case DisplayTextString has 12 lines. Any recommendations?

//inside a for loop {
SCString MyLineText;

MyLineText += "somestring";
SCString str_Temp = DisplayTextString;
DisplayTextString.Format("%s%s%s", str_Temp.GetChars(), "\n", MyLineText.GetChars());

s_UseTool Tool;
Tool.ChartNumber = sc.ChartNumber;
Tool.DrawingType = DRAWING_TEXT;
Tool.BeginDateTime = 4;
Tool.UseRelativeVerticalValues = true;
Tool.BeginValue = 100;
Tool.MultiLineLabel = 1;
Tool.Region = sc.GraphRegion;
Tool.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255); // Set Tool color to Blue
//no news to display
if (TotalNewsLines == 0)
Tool.Text.Format("%s","No future news entries for this week with these filters");

Tool.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
Tool.ReverseTextColor = 0;

[2016-02-02 19:53:57]
@sstfrederik - Posts: 404
I still have the line breaking problem when displaying multiple lines. Anything else that can be done?
[2016-02-03 14:06:53]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
I would suspect you are not building your strings properly. Instead of using Format(), just build the string using concatenation and then assign:

SCString Temp = "Line 1;

Temp += "\n";
Temp += "Line 2";

Temp += "\n";
Temp += "Line 3;


Tool.Text = Temp;

[2016-02-03 17:39:42]
@sstfrederik - Posts: 404
Ok. Got it working now. Thanks.

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