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Date/Time: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 00:13:47 +0000

Market Stat Data Chart Instability

View Count: 749

[2016-01-31 18:06:25]
User235472 - Posts: 5
If I pull up just the chart for example NISS-TF by itself, the chart has no issues. If I on a different chart, I overlay the NISS-TF onto the second chart, it causes the NISS-TF to keep looping, where it will blink between two different chart images. On the log, it keeps saying that chart number associated with the NISS-TF is forcing the studies to keep re-calculating on the second chart.

Is this a known issue or how do I resolve to keep the NISS-TF chart stable so the re-calculations aren't looping endlessly? Thanks.
[2016-01-31 19:18:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is what we see for NISS-TF:

Refer to:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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