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Date/Time: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 06:46:25 +0000

Creation of horizontal rectangular zones

View Count: 2341

[2016-01-24 14:55:14]
User57584 - Posts: 30
I am currently using the "Horizontal Lines" analysis to create horizontal colored zones for which I can enter the data inside the "settings" window of the analysis.
I am looking for the same kind of analysis, but with the possibility of limiting the zones over the time, ie creating horizontal rectangles instead of horizontal zones covering all the time scale.
Do you know an analysis able to allow that ?

I thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,

Jean-Marie Boulay
[2016-01-26 09:03:11]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Have a look at the Rectangle Chart Drawing Tools:
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[2016-01-26 13:54:15]
User57584 - Posts: 30
Thank you.

Well, this describes how to draw rectangles and I am using that. My point was to find a tool like the "Horizontal Lines" where: 1. Multiple lines (hence, multiple coloured bands) can be realized. 2. These lines (therefore bands) can be defined via numerical entries into the "settings" area. I would like to be able to do the same, but having the possibility to place limitations in time on the bands, to the length of one day, or one hour or whatever. This leads to obtain multiple horizontal rectangles, with numerical entries. Looking at the documentation, I am wondering whether the solutions is by using spreadsheets ?
[2016-01-26 18:07:05]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Why not use the Rectangle drawing tool which can have a filled interior, to draw between two fixed points in time?

It is also possible to draw forward into the future:

You could do something like this with spreadsheets but it would involve time so may not be so simple. Quickly from our mind, we could not tell you the formulas to use. Here is the documentation for Spreadsheets:

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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