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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 20:25:38 +0000

How to send to "screen" log and how to "Trading Activity Log" window separat

View Count: 741

[2015-12-18 18:09:08]
User368248 - Posts: 46
I need to send some events in acsil to screen only ( sc.graph.. ) and anothers events to "Trading Activity Log" window for later check and review.

How can I send/separate such logs?
For example, I need to record the price before sending to broker and exact time in milliseconds too.
Also record on logs the time when broker accepted my order ( Result > 0 ).

Can you helpme ?
Thanks in advance
[2015-12-18 18:21:15]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
ACSIL has no direct interaction with the Trade Activity Log. Other than being able to get the order fills and Trades.

You can use this function to add messages to the Message Log:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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