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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 17:22:44 +0000

Question on Color based on Slope Study

View Count: 1302

[2015-12-17 16:45:46]
AP - Posts: 117
Hi -

I am using this Color based on Slope Study twice for 2 different indicators for one my charts.
Now, I am wanting to add a Color Bar Based on Alert Condition to set an alert when both the above slopes are positive. Once I do that, I can easily hide the slope studies and the indicator studies to keep just one study on (i.e. the one that checks for positive slopes on both).

Question -
1. DO you know what operators I can using to set a conditional alert to make sure both slopes are positive at the same time?
2. If 1 above is not possible, Any other indicators you know I can use to check for slope instead of using COlor Based on Slope studies?
[2015-12-17 18:32:53]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. In one of the examples here, there is one for slope:

You also need to use the AND function in the Formula:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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