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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 17:04:59 +0000

TRIX function call

View Count: 682

[2015-12-16 00:54:23]
flyboy615 - Posts: 56
In you documentation you mention 2 function prototypes one of which is the following:

SCFloatArrayRef TRIX(SCFloatArrayRef FloatArrayIn, SCSubgraphRef SubgraphOut, int Index, int Length);

However the following piece of code complains about no instance of the s_sc::TRIX matching the argument list

With autolooping turned off...

int CurrentIndex = sc.Index-100;
sc.TRIX( sc.Subgraph[0].Arrays[4], sc.Subgraph[0].Arrays[1],CurrentIndex, 6);

Please advise.
[2015-12-16 02:52:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It requires a Subgraph and not a Float Array.

You will need to use something like:
sc.TRIX( sc.Subgraph[0].Arrays[4], sc.Subgraph[10], CurrentIndex, 6);
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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