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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:43:58 +0000

year,month,,week intraday charts

View Count: 814

[2015-12-12 15:06:29]
jonno - Posts: 13
I am wanting to replicate a yearly historical chart into a intraday chart realtime chart.I have input 525965 minutes as 1440 in one day x 365 as the timeframe but the chart looks nothing like the historical one nor has OHLC values the same. This request is for an excel feed i want to plot yearly,monthly,week,day realtime outputs.

Kind Regards
[2015-12-14 09:52:03]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In order for this to work properly the first Date in the chart needs to be January 1. You can use whatever Year you want. This can be set through Chart >> Chart Settings.

Refer to the documentation here:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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