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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:23:37 +0000

Flaw in Zig-Zag Study

View Count: 1246

[2015-12-08 21:11:15]
User68474 - Posts: 201
I use the Zig-Zag Study and the Zig-Zag Cumulative Volume studies, both with Settings:
Calculation Mode 3;
Input for High/Low = Last, Last;
Calculate New Values on bar close = yes;
Volume to Accumulate= Total volume;
Display ZZ Volume=Yes;
Display ZZ Time Duration= Yes.

This very nicely creates "legs" or "Waves" exactly the way I wish to display them. However, even though the correct number of bars are accurately "contained" for each "Leg/Wave", the "Time Duration" appears to be inaccurate, as it does not calculate the time based on the number of bars that, as I pointed out above, have been already accurately displayed.

The Accumulated Volume, both as displayed in text in the Zig-Zag Study on the main graph, as well as in Histogram in the Zig-Zag Cumulative Volume in region 2, DO accurately contain and reflect the data from the correct number of bars in each Leg/Wave.

See attached examples. http://www.sierrachart.com/image.php?l=1449615682667.png
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-12-08 23:38:53
[2015-12-09 05:37:53]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
This will be addressed in the next release.

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