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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:13:42 +0000

Alert Sound Settings - documentation and question

View Count: 1061

[2015-10-15 10:30:31]
User13668 - Posts: 294
This part of documentation refers:


See also attached image of 'General Settings > Alerts/General 3' tab from my install.


What does the 'Include Alert Comment in Alert Email' do? I have tried ticking this and unticking it and it makes no difference to the contents/format of the alert email I receive. The documentation makes no reference to this tickable option.

Documentation comments:

1/ The documentation refers to 50 alert sounds. But it looks like there are 100 available when I look at my installed version.

2/ You have a sub heading 'Sampling Sound Files'. Why would you suggest a user can test these by going to the folder/file in Windows when you have a 'Test Sound' button/icon right there on 'General Settings > Alerts/General 3' tab?
imageSierraCapture.JPG / V - Attached On 2015-10-15 10:30:10 UTC - Size: 79.96 KB - 311 views
[2015-10-15 10:46:58]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Yes there are 100. We have updated the documentation.

2. The documentation has been updated.

Regarding "Include Alert Comment in Alert Email", we still have to document this. It will be done later today.
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[2015-10-16 12:18:15]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
"Include Alert Comment in Alert Email" controls whether an alert comment is included in generated alert emails. Currently, this only applies to Symbol Alerts and Time Alerts which allow a user defined comment to be configured for each alert.

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