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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 20:09:45 +0000

IB Intercommodity Exchange Traded Spreads

View Count: 10048

[2015-09-16 16:47:17]
User626121 - Posts: 82

Interactivebrokers offers Intercommodity Spreads for Energy products (e.g. RB-HO Spread).
Can I display a chart / DOM for IB IC Spreads with SC?
What is the symbol format?

[2015-09-16 18:31:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
No, these are not supported in Sierra Chart with Interactive Brokers.

You can manually create a spread chart by using the Difference study.

Or you can use the spread contracts available with the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed:
Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-09-18 21:11:37]
i960 - Posts: 360
These are *not* IB specific spreads. They're exchange traded spreads. IB simply lists them as "inter-commodity spread" for the convenience of TWS users adding a new symbol. If Sierra supports exchange traded spreads then there's no reason they cannot support these spreads as well.

The CQG symbol for RB-HO would be RBEHOE or ENQHO, one of which is a crack spread. Even barchart has these spreads (http://www.barchart.com/commodityfutures/Gasoline_RBOB_Futures/futspreads/RBV15) available.

There are probably a 100+ native exchange traded spreads for energy related products. Same thing with grains (corn vs wheat), meat (live cattle vs lean hogs), soybeans (beans vs meal vs oil), etc. Calendars are only a partial picture, and many people are trading the intercommodity spreads - they're not just some niche interest.

From looking at the RB spreads available via SC exchange data it does appear these are available - so is this another case of "purchase Sierra's data"?

I don't see the crack spreads. I also don't see any support for butterfly spreads (which are exchange native for many CME and some ICE products).
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-09-18 21:22:42
[2015-09-18 22:10:48]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will not support exchange traded spreads with Interactive Brokers. The specifications are too complex. Each leg has to be individually specified.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-09-19 02:49:40]
i960 - Posts: 360
Yes, that seems reasonable to me, honestly.

Still an issue with crack spreads and butterfly spreads though.
[2015-09-20 00:59:02]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Please give us links to the CME specification for the crack and butterfly spreads. We may not be tracking those particular symbols.

Regarding Interactive Brokers spreads, possibly we could support just simple spreads when there are only two legs. But we tend to think a lot users are going to have trouble with the symbols and they will be rather long.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-09-23 23:39:16]
i960 - Posts: 360
That's the problem. I don't know the internal security code CME uses - and in all likelihood it's not a specific code but a composite code used by Globex. Barchart also has this data - if you look up something like RB* and choose "spread quotes" you'll see these:

Example: http://www.barchart.com/commodityfutures/Gasoline_RBOB_Futures/futspreads/RBV15/RBV15

Globex docs show this: http://www.cmegroup.com/confluence/display/EPICSANDBOX/Implied+Intercommodity+Ratio+Spreads
General spreads overview: http://www.cmegroup.com/confluence/display/EPICSANDBOX/Futures+Spreads

The issue here is that if there is a market for it, Globex will use implied prices to basically imply an instrument - such that one can trade these complex spreads without having to autospread/leg-in everything. I believe ICE does the same thing. Here's a list of CQG symbols showing the various non-calendar exchange-supported spreads out there:

FEUB Eurex Bundle Euribor 3-month
EDAB Globex Bundle Eurodollar
GEBB Globex Bundle Euribor
QSAB ICE Basildon Bundle Short Sterling 3-Month
LEDB ICE Futures Europe Bundle Eurodollar
KWEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Wheat
ZCEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Corn
ZLEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybean Oil
ZMEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybean Meal
ZOEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Oats
ZQEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Fed Funs 30-Day
ZREL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Rough Rice
ZSEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybeans
ZWAL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Wheat
OQL Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Butterfly Oman Crude Oil
EDAL Globex Butterfly Eurodollar 3-Month LIBOR
GEBL Globex Butterfly Euribor
GFL Globex Butterfly Feeder Cattle
GLEL Globex Butterfly Live Cattle
HEL Globex Butterfly Lean Hogs
QEAL3 ICE Basildon Butterfly Euribor 3-Month
QSAL3 ICE Basildon Butterfly Short Sterling 3-Month
ENL ICE Futures Europe Butterfly ICE NYH (RBOB) Gasoline
ETL ICE Futures Europe Butterfly WTI Light Sweet Crude Oil
LEDL ICE Futures Europe Butterfly Eurodollar
QHOL ICE Futures Europe Butterfly Heating Oil
WMEL Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Butterfly Hard Red Spring Wheat
BXAL Montreal Exchange (BdM) Butterfly 3-Month Bankers Acceptance All Session
BZL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly Brent Crude Financial (Last Day)
CLEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly Crude Oil
HOEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly NY Harbor ULSD
RBEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly NY Harbor RBOB Gasoline
QNAL ICE Basildon Butterfly spread Euroswiss 3 Month
ZQEC CBOT/Globex Condor Fed Funds 30-Day
EDAC Globex Condor Eurodollar
ETC ICE Futures Europe Condor WTI Light Sweet Crude Oil
ENET ICE Futures Europe Crack (RBOB) Gasoline/WTI
ENQO ICE Futures Europe Crack NYH (RBOB) Gasoline/Brent Futures
ETQO ICE Futures Europe Crack ICE Brent/WTI
QHOET ICE Futures Europe Crack ICE Heating Oil/WTI
QHOQO ICE Futures Europe Crack Heating Oil/Brent Crude Oil
QPBNX ICE Futures Europe Crack Gasoil/Brent NX Futures
QPQO ICE Futures Europe Crack ICE Gasoil Futures
SOM,SOM01,SOMI01 CBOT/Globex Crush Soybean
EDAD Globex Double Butterfly Eurodollar
KEZWI0 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread KCBOT/CBOT Wheat
KEZWI1 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread KCBOT/CBOT Wheat Offset
MWWI0 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat
MWWI1 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat Offset
MWWW CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat Reverse
MKEWI1 Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/KCBOT Wheat Reverse IES
MWKE Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/KCBOT Wheat IES
MWWI0 Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat IES
AFBASM ASX 24 Intercommodity spread EA Feed Barley/Australian Sorghum
AFBAWM ASX 24 Intercommodity spread EA Feed Barley/NSW Wheat
ASMAWM ASX 24 Intercommodity spread Australian Sorghum/NSW Wheat
GNBN ASX 24 Intercommodity spread NSW $300 Cap v. Base Load
GQBQ ASX 24 Intercommodity spread QLD $300Cap v. Base Load
GSBS ASX 24 Intercommodity spread SA $300 Cap v. Base Load
GVBV ASX 24 Intercommodity spread VIC $300 Cap v. Base Load
WAWAWM ASX 24 Intercommodity spread Western Wheat/Milling Wheat
XTYT ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 10-Year Bond-3-Year Bond
YI14I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
YI15I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
YI16I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
YI17I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
YI18I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
YI19I ASX 24 Intercommodity spread AU 3-Year Bond-90-Day BnkAccBill
FVAF1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 5-Year Treasury Note/5-Year USD IRS
KWEZCE CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread KC HRW Wheat v. Corn
NBY CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread NBY (10-Year/30-Year) New Ratio
TFY CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread TFY (2-Year v. 5-Year)
TYAN1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 10-Year Treasury Note/10-Year USD IRS
TYT CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 2-Year/3-Year
ULAB1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread Ultra T-Bond/30 Year USD IRS
ZWAZCE CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread Wheat/Corn
BZDZG Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Fin. Crude
BZOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Crude
CLEDZG Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Fin. Crude
CLEOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Crude
DZGOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Oman Crude Financial/Oman Crude
CHGI0 Globex Intercommodity spread Live Cattle/Lean Hogs
CSCGDC Globex Intercommodity spread Cheese/Milk III
GDCGDK Globex Intercommodity spread Milk Class III v. Milk Class IV
IEX ICE Basildon Intercommodity spread Euribor/EONIA
CERCEU ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread ECX CER/EUAA Futures
CERECF ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread ECX CER/EUA
CEUECF ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread ECX EUAA/EUA
ENQHO ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread NYH RBOB Gasoline/Heating Oil Futures
EOEP ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread Heating Oil/Gasoil
GPYTFY ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread GASPOOL/TTF Yearly Spread
ULG ICE Futures Europe Intercommodity spread Gasoil 1000ppm/10ppm Low Sulphur
XBE Liffe Commodities Paris Intercommodity spread Milling Wheat
NI24NS NASDAQ OMX Intercommodity spread TED Spread White
NI25NS NASDAQ OMX Intercommodity spread TED Spread Red
NI45NS NASDAQ OMX Intercommodity spread TED Spread Rose
NCNE NASDAQ OMX Commodities Intercommodity spread CER/EUA
BZOQ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Crude
CLEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread WTI/Brent Crude Financial
CLEOQ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Crude
CPLEAF NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread CERplus/In Month EUA
HOEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread NY Harbor ULSD/Brent Crude Last Day Financial
HPHH NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Natural Gas Pen./Last Day
HPNG NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Natural Gas Pen./Henry Hub
MBECLE NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Gulf Coast Sour Crude/WTI
NGHHI0 NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Henry Hub/Natural Gas Financial
NPNN NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Henry Hub Pen. NP/Last Day
RBEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread RBOB/Brent Crude Financial
RBEHOE NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread RBOB/NY Harbor ULSD
ZFTZRT Singapore Exchange (SGX) Intercommodity spread SICOME Tech Rubber/Rib Smoked Sht 3
ZYZL Singapore Exchange (SGX) Intercommodity spread Euroyen TIBOR/Euroyen LIBOR
CGSCKR Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Chukyo Gasoline/Chukyo Kerosene
GOCWI1 Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Gas Oil/Crude Oil Reverse Offset
GSCWI1 Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Gasoline/Crude Oil Reverse Offset
KRCWI1 Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Kerosene/Crude Oil Reverse Offset
TGSTGO Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Gasoline/Gas Oil
TGSTKR Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Gasoline/Kerosene
TKRTGO Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Intercommodity spread Kerosene/Gas Oil
BOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread BOB (30-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
BUB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread BUB (30-Year Ultra T-Bond)
FOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FOB (5-Year/30-Year)
FOL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FOL (5-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
FYT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FYT (5-Year/10-Year)
NOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread NOB (10-Year/30-Year)
NOL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread NOL (10-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOB (3-Year/30-Year)
TOF CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOF (3-Year/5-Year)
TOU CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOU (3-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TUB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUB (2-Year/30-Year)
TUF CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUF (2-Year/5-Year)
TUL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUL (2-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TUN CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUN (3-Year/10-Year)
TUT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUT (2-Year/10-Year)
TYT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TYT (2-Year/3-Year)
FEUP Eurex Pack Euribor 3-month
EDAP Globex Pack Eurodollar
GEBP Globex Pack Euribor
QSAP ICE Basildon Pack Short Sterling 3-Month
LEDP ICE Futures Europe Pack Eurodollar
EDAPB1 Globex Pack butterfly Eurodollar
EDAY Globex Pack spread Eurodollar
B1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 30-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
F1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
F1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
N1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 10-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
N1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 10-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
T1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 2-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
TYAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US 10-Year Treasury Note
UBXR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Ultra T-Bond Ratio Cal Spread
ULAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread Ultra T-Bond
USAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Treasury Bond
ZBXR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Bond 3:2 Ratio
ZXNR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US 10-Year T-Note Ratio Cal Spread
SILR COMEX/Globex (COMEXG) Reduced tick calendar spread 1,000 oz. Silver
RGER ICE Futures U.S. Reduced tick calendar spread Russell 1000 Growth Index Mini ($100)
SXKR Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reduced tick calendar spread S&P/TSX Composite Index Banks (Ind. Group)
SXUR Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reduced tick calendar spread S&P/TSX Capped Utilities Index
TPR Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reduced tick calendar spread SP/TSE 60
MJNKR Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reduced tick calendar spread Mini Nikkei 225
U2BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 2-Year Eurodollar Bundle
U3BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 3-Year Eurodollar Bundle
U5BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year Eurodollar Bundle
VXW CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) Reverse spread CBOE Volatility Index
BREW CBOT/Globex Reverse spread Dow Jones US Real Estate Index
YMW CBOT/Globex Reverse spread Mini-Dow $5
BRLW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/BRL Cash Settled
EAUDW CME Europe Reverse spread AUD/USD Physically Delivered
EBPW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/GBP Physically Delivered
ECADW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/CAD Physically Delivered
ECHFW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/CHF Physically Delivered
ECHW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/CNH Physically Delivered
EDKW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/DKK Physically Delivered
EEJYW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/JPY Physically Delivered
EENOW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/NOK Physically Delivered
EESIW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/CHF Physically Delivered
EFTW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/HUF Physically Delivered
EINRW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/INR Cash Settled
EJPYW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/JPY Physically Delivered
ELIW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/TRY Physically Delivered
ENZDW CME Europe Reverse spread NZD/USD Physically Delivered
EPOW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/PLN Physically Delivered
ERNW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/CNY Cash Settled
ERUBW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/RUB Cash Settled
ESWW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/SEK Physically Delivered
EUSW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/USK Physically Delivered
EZKW CME Europe Reverse spread EUR/CZK Physically Delivered
GBPXW CME Europe Reverse spread GBP/USK Physically Delivered
MXNW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/MXN Physically Delivered
UAHW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/UAH Cash Settled
UCHW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/CNH Physically Delivered
UCRW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/CNY Cash Settled
UISW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/ILS Physically Delivered
UKWW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/KRW Cash Settled
UTLW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/TRY Physically Delivered
ZRAW CME Europe Reverse spread USD/ZAR Physically Delivered
ACDW Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar/Canadian Dollar
AJYW Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen
BP6W Globex Reverse spread British Pound
BR6W Globex Reverse spread Brazilian Real
CA6W Globex Reverse spread Canadian Dollar
CHLW Globex Reverse spread US Dollar/Chilean Peso
CJYW Globex Reverse spread Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen
CNHW Globex Reverse spread Offshore Renminbi
CNYW Globex Reverse spread USD/RMB
DA6W Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar
EBW Globex Reverse spread Euro/British Pound
EEUW Globex Reverse spread E-mini EuroFX
EJYW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Japanese Yen
EMDW Globex Reverse spread E-mini MidCap 400
ENQW Globex Reverse spread E-mini NASDAQ 100
EPW Globex Reverse spread E-mini S&P 500
EU6W Globex Reverse spread EuroFX
FRW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Swiss Franc
GDW Globex Reverse spread Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
GEPZW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Polish Zloty
GMCDW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro CAD/USD
GPLNW Globex Reverse spread Polish Zloty
ILSW Globex Reverse spread Israeli Shekel
M6AW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro AUD/USD
M6BW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro GBP/USD
M6EW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro EUR/USD
M6JW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro USD/JPY
M6SW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro USD/CHF
MIRW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro INR/USD
MJYW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro JPY/USD
MLPW Globex Reverse spread S&P MLP Index
MNFW Globex Reverse spread E-micro S&P CNX Nifty 50 Index
MNHW Globex Reverse spread E-micro USD/CNH
MSFW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro CHF/USD
MX6W Globex Reverse spread Mexican Peso
NE6W Globex Reverse spread New Zealand Dollar
NIYW Globex Reverse spread Yen-Denominated Nikkei 225
NK6W Globex Reverse spread Norwegian Krona
NKDW Globex Reverse spread Nikkei 225
PJYW Globex Reverse spread British Pound/Japanese Yen
RU6W Globex Reverse spread Russian Ruble
SA6W Globex Reverse spread South African Rand
SF6W Globex Reverse spread Swiss Franc
SIRW Globex Reverse spread Indian Rupee
SJYW Globex Reverse spread Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen
SK6W Globex Reverse spread Swedish Krona
SMCW Globex Reverse spread E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures
XABW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Materials Select Sector Index
XAEW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Energy Select Sector Index
XAFW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Financial Select Sector Index
XAIW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Industrial Select Sector Index
XAKW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Technology Select Sector Index
XAPW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Consumer Staples Select Sector
XAUW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Utilities Select Sector Index
XAVW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Health Care Select Sector Index
XAYW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Consumer Discretionary Sel Sector
YRW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Japanese Yen
ZARW Globex Reverse spread USD/ZAR
A50W Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF
AMCW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread China AMC CSI 300 Index ETF
CHHW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread CES China 120 Index
CSAW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread CSOP FTSE China A50 ETF
CUSW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread USD/CNH
H3BW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread HIBOR (3-Month)
HHIW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread H-Shares Index
HSIW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread Hang Seng Index
MCHW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread Mini H-Shares Index
MHIW Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE Reverse spread Mini-Hang Seng Index
AREW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread AUD/NZD
ASEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Australian/Canadian Dollar
DXETW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Dollar Index TAS
DXEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Dollar Index
ETRW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Turkish Lira/Euro
EZEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Euro/Czech Koruna
GNEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/New Zealand Dollar
HREW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Euro/Hungarian Forint
HYEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen
ISLW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Israeli Shekel/US Dollar
KBXW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Brazil Real/US Dollar
KEJW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Euro/Japanese Yen
KEOW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Euro/US Dollar
KIUW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Indian Rupee/US Dollar
KJEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Swedish Krona/Japanese Yen
KOLW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Euro/Norwegian Krone
KRKW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Euro/Swedish Krona
KRZW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Euro/Swiss Franc
KXEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread US Dollar/Swedish Krona
KYEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Norwegian Krone/Japanese Yen
KZYW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen
MPEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Small British Pound/US Dollar
NJEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Norwegian Krone/Swedish Krona
NTEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread US Dollar/Norwegian Krone
OPEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/Swedish Krona
OREW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread US Dollar/South African Rand
PCEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/Canadian Dollar
PELW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Polish Zloty/Euro
PKEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/Norway Krone
PLNW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Polish Zloty/US Dollar
PZEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/South African Rand
QAEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Sterling/Australian Dollar
RFEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Mini-Russell 1000
RGEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Russell 1000 Growth
RVEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Russell 1000 Value Index Mini ($100)
SSEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread GBP/CHF Cross Rate
SYEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread GBP/JPY Cross Rate
TFEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Russell 2000 Index Mini
TRMW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Turkish Lira/US Dollar
VCEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread US Dollar/Czech Koruna
VUEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread US Dollar/Hungarian Forint
YAEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread AUD/PY
YZEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread Euro/South African Rand
ZJEW ICE Futures U.S. Reverse spread New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen
IMSPW Italian Derivatives Market (IDEM Reverse spread Mini FTSE MIB
ALSIW Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE Reverse spread FTSE/JSE TOP 40 Index
KOSW Korea Exchange (KRX) Reverse spread KOSPI 200 Index
EFEW Liffe Equities & Index Deriv Par Reverse spread FTSEurofirst 80
OBXW LSE Derivatives Market Reverse spread OBX Index
MEMFW Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reverse spread FTSE Emerging Markets Index
SXMW Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reverse spread S&P/TSX 60 Mini Index Futures
TPW Montreal Exchange (BdM) Reverse spread SP/TSE 60
X30W NASDAQ OMX Reverse spread Stockholm 30 Index
J400W Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread JPX Nikkei Index 400
JDJW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread DJIA
JMTW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread Mini TOPIX/TSE
JNKW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread Nikkei 225
JREIW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread REIT Index
JT30W Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread TOPIX Core30/TSE
JTPXW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread TOPIX Index x 10,000 Yen
MJNKW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread Mini Nikkei 225
NIFTW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread CNX Nifty
NKVW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread Nikkei 225 VI
RNPW Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Reverse spread Russell/Nomura Prime
FGDW Russian Trading System (RTS) Reverse spread Gold
FRIW Russian Trading System (RTS) Reverse spread RTS Index
FUSW Russian Trading System (RTS) Reverse spread USD/RUR
CNW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread FTSE China A50 Index
IDW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Indonesia Index
MDW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI India Index
MYW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Malaysia Index
PHIW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Philippines Index
THAW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Thailand Index
ZAAW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Taiwan Stock Index
ZAPAW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Asia Apex 50 Index
ZCYW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread CNY/USD
ZGW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread MSCI Singapore Stock Index
ZINW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread S&P CNX Nifty Index
ZNAW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread Nikkei 225 Index/All Sessions
ZUCW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread USD/CNH
ZUJW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread USD/JPY Titan
ZUTW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread THB/USD
ZUYW Singapore Exchange (SGX) Reverse spread USD/JPY Standart
BROW Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Reverse spread Brent Crude Oil
GB10W Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Reverse spread Thai Gold (10 Baht)
GB50W Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Reverse spread Thai Gold (50 Baht)
S50W Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Reverse spread SET50 Index Futures
USDW Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) Reverse spread USD Futures
BNT4 ASX 24 Strip NSW Base Load Electricity Futures
BQT4 ASX 24 Strip QLD Base Load Electricity Futures
BST4 ASX 24 Strip SA Base Load Electricity Futures
BVT4 ASX 24 Strip VIC Base Load Electricity Futures
HGXT4 ASX 24 Strip Victorian Wholesale Gas
HPVT4 ASX 24 Strip VIC Peak Period Electricity Futures
PNT4 ASX 24 Strip NSW Peak Period Electricity Futures
PQT4 ASX 24 Strip NSW Peak Period Electricity Futures
PST4 ASX 24 Strip SA Peak Period Electricity Futures
CCBT Globex Strip Cash-Settled Butter
CSCT Globex Strip Cheese
GDCT Globex Strip Milk Class III
GDKT Globex Strip Milk Class IV
GDYT Globex Strip CME Dry Whey
GNFT Globex Strip Nonfat Dry Milk
HEAT4 New Zealand Futures and Options Strip Otahuhu Base Load Electricity
HEET4 New Zealand Futures and Options Strip Benmore Base Load Electricity
NGET NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Strip Natural Gas
RBET NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Strip NY Harbor RBOB Gasoline

Here's just CME products:

EDAB Globex Bundle Eurodollar
GEBB Globex Bundle Euribor
KWEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Wheat
ZCEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Corn
ZLEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybean Oil
ZMEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybean Meal
ZOEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Oats
ZQEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Fed Funs 30-Day
ZREL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Rough Rice
ZSEL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Soybeans
ZWAL CBOT/Globex Butterfly Wheat
OQL Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Butterfly Oman Crude Oil
EDAL Globex Butterfly Eurodollar 3-Month LIBOR
GEBL Globex Butterfly Euribor
GFL Globex Butterfly Feeder Cattle
GLEL Globex Butterfly Live Cattle
HEL Globex Butterfly Lean Hogs
BZL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly Brent Crude Financial (Last Day)
CLEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly Crude Oil
HOEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly NY Harbor ULSD
RBEL NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Butterfly NY Harbor RBOB Gasoline
ZQEC CBOT/Globex Condor Fed Funds 30-Day
EDAC Globex Condor Eurodollar
SOM,SOM01,SOMI01 CBOT/Globex Crush Soybean
EDAD Globex Double Butterfly Eurodollar
KEZWI0 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread KCBOT/CBOT Wheat
KEZWI1 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread KCBOT/CBOT Wheat Offset
MWWI0 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat
MWWI1 CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat Offset
MWWW CBOT/Globex Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat Reverse
MKEWI1 Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/KCBOT Wheat Reverse IES
MWKE Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/KCBOT Wheat IES
MWWI0 Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX Inter-exchange spread MGEX/CBOT Wheat IES
FVAF1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 5-Year Treasury Note/5-Year USD IRS
KWEZCE CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread KC HRW Wheat v. Corn
NBY CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread NBY (10-Year/30-Year) New Ratio
TFY CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread TFY (2-Year v. 5-Year)
TYAN1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 10-Year Treasury Note/10-Year USD IRS
TYT CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread 2-Year/3-Year
ULAB1U CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread Ultra T-Bond/30 Year USD IRS
ZWAZCE CBOT/Globex Intercommodity spread Wheat/Corn
BZDZG Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Fin. Crude
BZOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Crude
CLEDZG Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Fin. Crude
CLEOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Crude
DZGOQ Dubai Mercantile Exchange/Globex Intercommodity spread Oman Crude Financial/Oman Crude
CHGI0 Globex Intercommodity spread Live Cattle/Lean Hogs
CSCGDC Globex Intercommodity spread Cheese/Milk III
GDCGDK Globex Intercommodity spread Milk Class III v. Milk Class IV
BZOQ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Brent/Oman Crude
CLEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread WTI/Brent Crude Financial
CLEOQ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread WTI/Oman Crude
CPLEAF NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread CERplus/In Month EUA
HOEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread NY Harbor ULSD/Brent Crude Last Day Financial
HPHH NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Natural Gas Pen./Last Day
HPNG NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Natural Gas Pen./Henry Hub
MBECLE NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Gulf Coast Sour Crude/WTI
NGHHI0 NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Henry Hub/Natural Gas Financial
NPNN NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread Henry Hub Pen. NP/Last Day
RBEBZ NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread RBOB/Brent Crude Financial
RBEHOE NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Intercommodity spread RBOB/NY Harbor ULSD
BOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread BOB (30-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
BUB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread BUB (30-Year Ultra T-Bond)
FOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FOB (5-Year/30-Year)
FOL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FOL (5-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
FYT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread FYT (5-Year/10-Year)
NOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread NOB (10-Year/30-Year)
NOL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread NOL (10-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TOB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOB (3-Year/30-Year)
TOF CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOF (3-Year/5-Year)
TOU CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TOU (3-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TUB CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUB (2-Year/30-Year)
TUF CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUF (2-Year/5-Year)
TUL CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUL (2-Year/Ultra T-Bond)
TUN CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUN (3-Year/10-Year)
TUT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TUT (2-Year/10-Year)
TYT CBOT/Globex Net-change-quoted intercommodity spread TYT (2-Year/3-Year)
EDAP Globex Pack Eurodollar
GEBP Globex Pack Euribor
EDAPB1 Globex Pack butterfly Eurodollar
EDAY Globex Pack spread Eurodollar
B1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 30-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
F1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
F1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
N1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 10-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
N1UR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 10-Year USD IR Swap (Initial)
T1ER CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 2-Year EUR DSF IR Swap
TYAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US 10-Year Treasury Note
UBXR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Ultra T-Bond Ratio Cal Spread
ULAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread Ultra T-Bond
USAR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Treasury Bond
ZBXR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US Bond 3:2 Ratio
ZXNR CBOT/Globex Reduced tick calendar spread US 10-Year T-Note Ratio Cal Spread
SILR COMEX/Globex (COMEXG) Reduced tick calendar spread 1,000 oz. Silver
U2BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 2-Year Eurodollar Bundle
U3BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 3-Year Eurodollar Bundle
U5BR Globex Reduced tick calendar spread 5-Year Eurodollar Bundle
BREW CBOT/Globex Reverse spread Dow Jones US Real Estate Index
YMW CBOT/Globex Reverse spread Mini-Dow $5
ACDW Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar/Canadian Dollar
AJYW Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen
BP6W Globex Reverse spread British Pound
BR6W Globex Reverse spread Brazilian Real
CA6W Globex Reverse spread Canadian Dollar
CHLW Globex Reverse spread US Dollar/Chilean Peso
CJYW Globex Reverse spread Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen
CNHW Globex Reverse spread Offshore Renminbi
CNYW Globex Reverse spread USD/RMB
DA6W Globex Reverse spread Australian Dollar
EBW Globex Reverse spread Euro/British Pound
EEUW Globex Reverse spread E-mini EuroFX
EJYW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Japanese Yen
EMDW Globex Reverse spread E-mini MidCap 400
ENQW Globex Reverse spread E-mini NASDAQ 100
EPW Globex Reverse spread E-mini S&P 500
EU6W Globex Reverse spread EuroFX
FRW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Swiss Franc
GDW Globex Reverse spread Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
GEPZW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Polish Zloty
GMCDW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro CAD/USD
GPLNW Globex Reverse spread Polish Zloty
ILSW Globex Reverse spread Israeli Shekel
M6AW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro AUD/USD
M6BW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro GBP/USD
M6EW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro EUR/USD
M6JW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro USD/JPY
M6SW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro USD/CHF
MIRW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro INR/USD
MJYW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro JPY/USD
MLPW Globex Reverse spread S&P MLP Index
MNFW Globex Reverse spread E-micro S&P CNX Nifty 50 Index
MNHW Globex Reverse spread E-micro USD/CNH
MSFW Globex Reverse spread E-Micro CHF/USD
MX6W Globex Reverse spread Mexican Peso
NE6W Globex Reverse spread New Zealand Dollar
NIYW Globex Reverse spread Yen-Denominated Nikkei 225
NK6W Globex Reverse spread Norwegian Krona
NKDW Globex Reverse spread Nikkei 225
PJYW Globex Reverse spread British Pound/Japanese Yen
RU6W Globex Reverse spread Russian Ruble
SA6W Globex Reverse spread South African Rand
SF6W Globex Reverse spread Swiss Franc
SIRW Globex Reverse spread Indian Rupee
SJYW Globex Reverse spread Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen
SK6W Globex Reverse spread Swedish Krona
SMCW Globex Reverse spread E-mini S&P SmallCap 600 Futures
XABW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Materials Select Sector Index
XAEW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Energy Select Sector Index
XAFW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Financial Select Sector Index
XAIW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Industrial Select Sector Index
XAKW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Technology Select Sector Index
XAPW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Consumer Staples Select Sector
XAUW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Utilities Select Sector Index
XAVW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Health Care Select Sector Index
XAYW Globex Reverse spread E-mini Consumer Discretionary Sel Sector
YRW Globex Reverse spread Euro FX/Japanese Yen
ZARW Globex Reverse spread USD/ZAR
CCBT Globex Strip Cash-Settled Butter
CSCT Globex Strip Cheese
GDCT Globex Strip Milk Class III
GDKT Globex Strip Milk Class IV
GDYT Globex Strip CME Dry Whey
GNFT Globex Strip Nonfat Dry Milk
NGET NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Strip Natural Gas
RBET NYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG) Strip NY Harbor RBOB Gasoline

Now while it would be reasonable that not everything above is implemented (because some are fairly obscure), the energy butterflies, energy cracks, and agriculture butterflies and cracks are definitely traded by people.
[2015-09-25 18:28:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are checking on this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-10-13 01:48:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have added crack and butterfly spreads for CME markets.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-10-18 15:11:30]
User626121 - Posts: 82
What is the symbol format for IB, e.g. for RB.HO-Spread?
[2015-10-19 00:18:10]
i960 - Posts: 360
Verified crack and butterflies and being visible - good work.

I don't see the RB/HO spread either.
[2015-10-19 01:37:37]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Regarding Post #10, Sierra Chart does not support specifying Interactive Brokers spread symbols due to the complexity of them.

Regarding Post #11, we will check on this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2015-10-21 17:47:17]
User22396 - Posts: 191
I pay for the SC datafeed which is linked to an IB acct so I can not pull the exchanged traded spreads? Why can't I just chart using the SC feed and not have to use an IB symbol?..kinda like using the trade and current quote symbol?
[2015-10-21 18:25:09]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Refer to the documentation here for the spreads with the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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