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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:57:40 +0000

Numbers Bars

View Count: 1066

[2015-08-27 22:13:36]
mkata - Posts: 103
I came across something while experimenting. It seems there may be an issue with the way the Numbers Bars study is coloring while using Text on Diagonal Dominant Side. Although all the numbers should be blacked out in the attached chart there are still numbers showing through. (version 1269)
imageNumbers Bars.png / V - Attached On 2015-08-27 22:12:35 UTC - Size: 109.45 KB - 344 views
[2015-08-28 05:40:53]
Zdislav - Posts: 73
It is OK with numbers at the top for BIDs and bottom ASKs. You do not have a number to compare it with (default text color is used instead). Question is how you set up for comparing against zero values? I am not sure if this comparison setting is available in this version. If you try black default color (bid ask divider will be also black!) and set comapring against zero values to "yes" and still see some numbers, then there could be something weird. Or am I missing something?
[2015-08-28 22:18:26]
mkata - Posts: 103
What was throwing me off was the numbers in the middle of the bar, but after your reply I went back and looked at those instances in the middle of the bar more carefully and sure enough they were all being compared to zero. I did not know of the addition to enable zero bid/ask compares. I enabled yes and that solved it. Thanks again.
[2015-08-30 10:03:12]
Zdislav - Posts: 73
OK, that's relief :-) I use this as well.

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