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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:11:58 +0000

[User Discussion] - Alert Q for Tomgilb

View Count: 1152

[2015-08-26 11:54:40]
jaban - Posts: 66

Can you tell me what is wrong on this alert setting pls ?

=(AND(crossfromabove ( ID10.sg1 , ID11.sg1 ) , AND(crossfromabove(ID1.sg1 , 0))

thanks a lot
[2015-08-26 12:11:15]
Hendrixon - Posts: 130
=AND(crossfromabove(ID10.SG1, ID11.SG1), crossfromabove(ID1.SG1, 0))
[2015-08-26 13:34:44]
jaban - Posts: 66
Hi , first thanks ,

I get an oke on this formula , but

the first part ( ID10 cross ID11 ) uses the Color Bar based on alert condition
function . With this formula the bars do not color anymore , most likely why
there can be a bar difference between the 2 conditions becoming true .

Is there a way around this ?

[2015-08-26 19:39:52]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4141
-With what formula did the bars formerly color?
-On the Alerts tab of which study is the post#2 formula used?
-What are the study types for each of the ID#s?
[2015-08-26 21:37:04]
jaban - Posts: 66
- =crossfromabove( id10.sg1 , ID11.sg1) and separate =crossfrombelow (id10.sg1,id11.sg1) on color bar based on alert condition study

- post 2 is also used on the color bar based on alert condition

- post 2 worked also with "=crossover(ID1.sg1 , 0 ) on the Alert of the CCI.ID1 study

study types

ID1 = CCI with zeroline cross
ID 10 and ID 11 are cross of EMA lines
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-26 21:42:29
[2015-08-26 23:56:15]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4141
Try this for a short signal:
where ID10 is the faster EMA, and ID11 is the slower EMA.

This will alert when either one crosses from above and the other has already crossed.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-26 23:56:45

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