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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:07:49 +0000
Better understand sc.Highest
View Count: 1593
[2015-05-26 17:44:10] |
User911705 - Posts: 89 |
Perhaps I don't understand exactly what this function does. I assumed it took as an argument an array and then returned the highest value in the array. If that is so, could you please explain why the documentation shows as arguments both input and output arrarys? Also,it's not clear how the length and index arguments work: is it that the index is sort of the look back starting point and the length is how far to look back? Sorry if these are dumb questions, I've just too often made assumptions that got me into deep trouble:) Thanks. |
[2015-05-26 20:10:59] |
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368 |
The documentation for sc.Highest has been clarified with how it works: is it that the index is sort of the look back starting point and the length is how far to look back? Yes. This is correct.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-26 20:11:25
[2015-05-26 20:26:27] |
User911705 - Posts: 89 |
Thank you for the clarification! :)
[2015-05-27 15:50:40] |
User911705 - Posts: 89 |
Hopefully I'm just making a boneheaded error, but I'm stuck with a compiling error that I can't figure out. I've copied the RWI_S code from the source folder and see a problem with this line: sc.Subgraph[0][sc.Index] = sc.Highest(LookBackLowArray,2,2); The compiler log is complaining that this method needs 4 arguments and the documentation shows both possible signatures as requiring an output array. Is there any advice you can provide? Thanks. |
[2015-05-27 17:40:23] |
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368 |
For clarity, the function that RWI_S is using has been renamed to GetHighest to avoid confusion. Also after looking at the code now, we do see a clear problem with the Random Walk Indicator calculations. Therefore, we need to do a full review of the calculations of that function. There is no doubt this is the reason why you saw a problem. For an understanding of how to use the function sc.Highest, refer to scsf_HighestAndLowest function in /ACS_Source/studies.cpp Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2015-05-27 21:22:45] |
User911705 - Posts: 89 |
Thank you very much. I thought something might be wrong but after the last FUBAR I did I was VERY cautious to not make a fool of myself again:)
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