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Date/Time: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 09:49:37 +0000

Bug when adding a Tool to Shortcut Menu

View Count: 1254

[2015-05-25 14:09:02]
User58241 - Posts: 24
Whenever I try to add a tool to the shortcut menu, I know I am selecting the right tool, but it always adds the "config" of the tool instead. If I try to add the "Ray" tool, for instance, it adds the "Ray Config" instead, first time around. I then go have to go back in and reselect the Ray tool, add it, then delete the Ray Config from my shortcut menu. This happens with every tool I try to add--the config of the tool appears in the shortcut menu instead. Thought you might like to correct this in an upcoming release. Thanks in advance... Dan
[2015-05-25 20:10:47]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We do not see a problem with this. Has anyone else seen an issue like this?

And tell us the exact name of the tool you are adding. If you are adding "Ray" that is what will be added. We do not see how there can be a problem with this. It should work perfect every time.
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[2015-05-25 20:45:01]
User58241 - Posts: 24
I just tried to add another tool to the shortcut menu and it did it again. I'm not sure if there is more than one way to add a tool. This is the way I have been doing it: Click the "Global Settings" menu, then click the "Customize Chart Shortcut Menu" item. This brings up a popup window from which I can select from "Available Menu Items". I select any tool (doesn't matter which), then click the "Ädd" button. I then see the item as having been added to the "Selected Menu Items" column, and it appears as if I succeeded in adding the item I had selected. However, after closing the popup window by clicking "ok", when I right click a chart with my mouse to bring up the shortcut menu, I see the tool I selected with "Config" appended to it. So, if I had added the "Ray" tool or the "Cycle" tool originally, it actually comes up with "Ray Config" or "Cycle Config" instead. I hope this further explanation helps. And yes, I'd be interested in hearing if others are having the same problem. I've dealt this with issue for quite some time now, and was hoping for some resolution if it can be replicated on your end. Again, I appreciate your help with this... Dan
[2015-05-26 01:58:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We understand there is a problem. The first step is we need to duplicate it or determine from the code why this is happening. We will be looking into this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-04-26 15:15:58]
User58241 - Posts: 24
I hate to say it, but I am still having this problem. It is not often that I try to add something to the shortcut menu, so I don't deal with this on a daily basis; and, for the times I do want to add an item (like today) it occurred again--putting the "config" of a tool in the menu instead of the tool itself. I know, it doesn't make sense! But that is what is happening. I just bring it to your attention again to say the the "bug" has not gone away; and, to be honest, I haven't needed to change the shortcut menu since I first reported the bug in 2015, so it's not a super big problem--just a little irritation when I have to do it. (I never really heard back if you were able to duplicate the problem--I am guessing probably not.)

Again, sorry to bring this up again, and thanks for your reconsideration,


P.S. I am attaching a screen shot of my shortcut menu as it currently is, in case this helps duplicate the issue.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-26 15:33:26
imageShortCutMenu.JPG / V - Attached On 2017-04-26 15:31:01 UTC - Size: 122.8 KB - 256 views
[2017-04-26 16:54:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Describe the exact steps you are following and describe the exact problem.

We need to understand what the issue is in the current time.

We cannot rely upon what was previously said since that was from a long time ago.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-04-26 18:39:56]
User58241 - Posts: 24
Ok, here's the sequence of events:
- Click on Menu "Global Settings"
- Select "Customize Chart Shortcut Menu" (Window opens)
- Highlight "Time Expansion" tool from "Available Menu Items"
- Click on "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items" (because I want the tool to appear after "Ray")
- Click the "Add" button ("Time Expansion" appears after "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items")
- Click "Ok" to close dialog box
- Right click on chart screen to display Shortcut Menu
- The expected "Time Expansion" tool appears as "Time Expansion Config" (NOT WHAT I WANT!)

(Rinse and Repeat)
- Click on Menu "Global Settings"
- Select "Customize Chart Shortcut Menu" (Window opens)
- Highlight "Raff Regression Channel" tool from "Available Menu Items"
- Click on "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items" (because I want the tool to appear after "Ray")
- Click the "Add" button ("Raff Regression Channel" appears after "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items")
- Click "Ok" to close dialog box
- Right click on chart screen to display Shortcut Menu
- The expected "Raff Regression Channel" tool appears as "Raff Regression Channel Config" (NOT WHAT I WANT!)

(Rinse and Repeat)
- Click on Menu "Global Settings"
- Select "Customize Chart Shortcut Menu" (Window opens)
- Highlight "Time Projection" tool from "Available Menu Items"
- Click on "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items" (because I want the tool to appear after "Ray")
- Click the "Add" button ("Time Projection" appears after "Ray" in "Selected Menu Items")
- Click "Ok" to close dialog box
- Right click on chart screen to display Shortcut Menu
- The expected "Time Projection" tool appears as "Time Projection Config" (NOT WHAT I WANT!)

Each time I open up the window to add to or see the "Selected Menu Items", the corresponding "Config" tool is there, not the tool I originally selected.

Attached is another screenshot showing the results. Hope this helps!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-26 19:00:54
imageShortcutMenu2.jpg / V - Attached On 2017-04-26 19:00:44 UTC - Size: 142.82 KB - 249 views
[2017-04-26 18:45:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
After this step:

- Right Click on chart screen to display Shortcut Menu

What is the particular problem?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-04-26 19:09:52]
User58241 - Posts: 24
Seems part of my explanation accidentally posted before I had completely described the problem, so you may not have read the whole thing. Sorry about that!The problem is that the "Config" option of whatever tool I choose comes up in the shortcut menu, not the tool I actually want. This is really strange, but it is what it is. Just hope you can duplicate it. Thanks again!


P.S. Feel free to read the earlier explanation also (from 2015) as nothing has changed since then. The problem is now as it was then.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-04-26 19:24:19
[2017-04-27 05:03:48]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will be looking this over.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-04-28 05:11:58]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We cannot reproduce the problem.

What version of Sierra Chart are you running? We might have to use remote assistance to look into this.

Make sure your current telephone number is set here:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2017-04-28 05:14:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Disregard the prior post, we know what the problem is now.

You are actually adding the wrong commands but it is easy to get confused about that because they do not have "Config" at the end of them.

In the long list of commands when you customize the chart shortcut menu, you need to add the first tool command you see in the list.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2017-04-28 11:19:38]
User58241 - Posts: 24
I wasn't sure what you meant at first with your explanation above. However, I just spent a fair amount of time going through the whole list of shortcut menu possibilities. Interestingly, it never occurred to me that some of the items listed were actually SUBHEADINGS for the items that follow, and I didn't realize that there would then be multiple listings of the various tools that I seemed to be having trouble with. THANK YOU for clearing this up for me!! I apologize for not being more observant as I went through the list before. Like I mentioned previously, I don't spend a whole lot of time dealing with adding or subtracting tools from the shortcut menu--when I want an item, I go to where I need to go, look for the name of the tool, and then add it! Had there been some indentation of the tool names from the subheadings, I might have noticed this earlier. MY MISTAKE!

Again, thank you! Sorry for putting you through this. YOU "GUYS" ARE THE BEST!

[2017-04-28 17:58:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The problem is solved in the latest prerelease because we added "Config" to the end of the commands that actually are for the Drawing Tool configuration window.

Update to the latest prerelease following these instructions:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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