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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:46:28 +0000

ZigZag Line Coloring

View Count: 956

[2015-05-15 17:33:15]
George - Posts: 60
Is it possible to color the zigzag(ZZ) lines based on the zigzag accumulated volume with a spreadsheet study?
For example: ZZ line shows UP wave with ZZ accum. volume larger than the previous DOWN wave colored green, but if ZZ line shows UP wave with ZZ accum. volume smaller than the previous DOWN wave colored red.
[2015-05-16 02:16:38]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4141
Yes, it's possible. Here's an example:

In the ZZ study:
-Set the Volume to Accumulate to something other than None or Ask Bid Volume Difference.
-Set Additional Outputs for Spreadsheet to Yes.
-Check Hide Study.

In the spreadsheet study:
-Give it a name in the Spreadsheet Name field.
-Set the Chart Region to 1.
-Set all Draw Styles to Ignore except M(SG3) and N(SG4).
-Set the M(SG3) color to green, and the N(SG4) color to red.
-Set M(SG3) and N(SG4) Draw Styles to Line-SkipZeros, the Line Styles to Dot, and the Width to 3.
-Use these formulas on the spreadsheet:

The formulas assume the ZZ study is at the top of the Studies to Graph list.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-16 02:21:20
[2015-05-16 11:50:19]
George - Posts: 60
I know we are not supposed to respond with a Thank You to SC, but I hope it is alright to respond to another user with a Thank You. Thank You, Tomgilb!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-16 11:51:39

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