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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 08:26:08 +0000

Alert Manager Window

View Count: 817

[2015-04-18 07:13:18]
tobi - Posts: 351
When the Alert Manager Window is minimized and I then minimize the whole SC program, when I then restore / bring up SC program again, the Alert Manager Window will also be shown and not be minimized as before. I'd prefer to have the Alert Manager Window still be minimized. It'd be nice if you would change / fix this. Thank you.
[2015-04-21 05:16:00]
tobi - Posts: 351
[2015-04-21 07:19:37]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have looked into this, and it is the operating system which is displaying it.

We will see if we can think of a way to solve this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-04-21 07:35:00]
tobi - Posts: 351
That'd be VERY nice!
[2015-04-23 18:44:00]
tobi - Posts: 351
P.S. This behaviour does not happen with the Message Log.

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