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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 02:26:39 +0000

intraday chart

View Count: 1697

[2015-04-09 04:45:22]
peterhxu7 - Posts: 2
using sierra demo right now. are i able to see the intraday chart of dow jone industrial average index? right now only are charts with longer than daily one available. please help
[2015-04-09 13:56:01]
peterhxu7 - Posts: 2
can anyone help please? any one trading ym or es and using CQG sevice? The demo version i am using can't provide intraday chart, i would like to find out if you guys can see the volume indicator on dow jones industrial average index. i believe the symbol is DOWI(DOW industrials-dow jones indices) under the Indexes section. could you please attach the screenshot of the 1 minute intraday chart so i know how it looks like? appreciated for your kindly help.
[2015-04-09 16:46:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
For historical Intraday data for cash indexes, you need to use the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed:
Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed

ny one trading ym or es and using CQG sevice? The demo version i am using can't provide intraday chart,
In regards to this we need to see the Message Log.

Provide a copy of the Message Log, by following these instructions:

Here is a chart of $DOWI:

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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