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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:34:54 +0000

Volume > Prior Candle Volume

View Count: 1037

[2015-02-06 15:49:10]
infpz - Posts: 826
Volume is ID1.SG1. I just want an alert if the volume of the current bar exceeds the volume of the prior bar.

Should this code work?


Here is the error: Alert Formula Error - Chart: ESH5 1 Min #4 | Study: Color Background Based On Alert Condition | Error: #NAME? | Formula: =AND(ID1.SG1>ID2.SG1*2,ID1.SG1>ID1.SG1[-1]) | No alert sound/email

There is another study that is part of the alert - that is not the problem as it works on its own.

Thanks for any input,
[2015-02-06 17:43:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It could be the ID numbers are wrong.

Check them to make sure those are the actual correct study ID numbers.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-02-06 18:07:32]
infpz - Posts: 826
It is definitely ID1.SG1 - could it be anything else?
[2015-02-06 18:08:54]
infpz - Posts: 826
Strangely, when I put this condition onto a fresh chart with no other studies, it works fine.
[2015-02-07 22:36:06]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
I have the same problem.

What is really strange is that the studies had no issues whatsoever prior to.

Today, when I try to edit and then save a set of Study Collection, this same error came up - on one of the study that I did NOT change in the editing.

What is going on??
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-02-07 22:36:25
[2015-02-08 03:51:49]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
The problem went away!?!?

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