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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:43:04 +0000

Multiple Stocks in One Chart with Equivolume Bars

View Count: 1293

[2015-01-14 06:16:34]
User76865 - Posts: 4

In another charting service I can have a single chart with
up to 12 different stocks in it. I do this by simply
putting a plus "+" sign between the symbols. It gives me one
chart that is the combination of those 12 stocks (not 12 different
charts overlayed--but just one chart that represents
the basket of all 12). And it works with equivolume bars.
Can I do this same thing in Sierra Charts? And if so,
what is the limit on the number of stocks I can put
into one chart? And how do I go about doing that?

Thank you
[2015-01-14 17:42:46]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This has been answered here:
Multiple Stocks in One Chart with Equivolume Bars
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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