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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:37:40 +0000

Is there a way to make drawing colors sticky between uses?

View Count: 954

[2014-11-15 18:12:18]
User37537 - Posts: 78
Example: I draw a rectangle, and change the fill color to red. Now I want all new rectangles I draw to have a red fill color by default. After 5 more rectangles, I draw one more and change its fill color to yellow. Now I want all new rectangles I draw to have a yellow fill color by default.

Is there any way to do this? Forgive me if it is there in the tool options somewhere - I looked but I wasn't able to find anything.
[2014-11-15 19:48:32]
User37537 - Posts: 78
Please disregard, I discovered Tool Configs and they allow me to do exactly what I need. Thank you!

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