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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:50:21 +0000

Post From: Which data feed should I choose for AMP Futures: TTnet, Rithmic or Sierra Chart

[2016-09-17 10:14:16]
User93757 - Posts: 61
Any Updates To AMP - CQG, TTnet, Rithmic or Sierra Chart

Hi, i was hoping you could update this thread? I'm considering to open an account with Amp Futures. The last time you commented on different data services was in 2014. I've noticed that some of the Sierra Data Service settings, now include cqg fix & TT Fix along with Rithmic.

I am using Sierra Package 5, directly with Sierra Charts. My question is -- How do these services now work for live data and using Sierra Historical as Backfill & Orders such as OCO? ty,