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Date/Time: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 08:54:25 +0000

Post From: Trading using Macros

[2016-09-01 00:35:49]
User866531 - Posts: 14

I'm trying to setup trading with Macros. I've read the documentation that I can find and have tested it to see it working.

Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Trading Keyboard Shortcuts
Global Settings Menu: Customize Keyboard Shortcuts (Global Settings menu)

My real issue though is that I'm trying to see if it can function as I need if I try and setup a trading keyboard (http://www.keyboardtrader.com/customized-trading-keyboard.html) with 3 separate macros for each key press that will then send the same action to 3 separate platforms.
(1 = Sierra Charts running IQFeed (SIM), 2 = Sierra Charts running CQG (LIVE), 3 = NinjaTrader 8 running IQFeed (SIM).)
I've switch the majority of my trading over to Sierra Charts after unending issues with NT but I've had to keep NT for Jigsaw DOM which I use to find entries/exits. I've been executing on Sierra Charts with the CQG broker data but I'm finding it difficult when scalping to track the exact price level of my live order entry and stop price level (that's on SC) while looking at the Jigsaw DOM on NT.

So I started looking around for some option that would allow a macro button solution so that when I entered a live trade on Sierra Charts w/CQG broker data, that same order would be entered as a SIM trade on Sierra Charts w/IQFeed and NT8 w/IQFeed and show the same order price levels on the Jigsaw DOM as the order price levels on the live trade on Sierra Charts that is executing the live trade to the broker. Then I only need to closely watch one screen but still get the benefit of live trading through a stable platform like Sierra Charts.

The software for the keyboard (http://www.access-is.com/softprog.php) allows "layering" (Multiple macros) on the same key.

I've been trying to test the concept using the current keyboard I have (Roccat MK Pro) and setup the same macro key sequence (Buy Market = ALT+A) in Sierra Charts and (Buy Market = ALT+A) in Ninjatrader 8. (This would not be the case with the dedicated trading keyboard - each platform would get its own unique macro sequence for each task but the 3 unique macros would be bound to the same key press).

The problem I seem to be running into is that it will only execute the macro on whatever chart that has been clicked on to "bring it to the front" in Windows. Is this because I'm trying to use the same macro sequence for both platforms?
Or is this a limitation from the platforms and it forces the chart to be clicked on first to become "active" and only then will it accept the macro sequence?

If the 2nd one is the case, is there a macro setup that can be triggered with the order macro that would make the required chart appear "active" so that it would then trigger the order as needed on Sierra Charts?

Is there a solution or workaround to getting this to all work as I've described?

I'm only trying to trade 1 instrument at a time - 30yr Treasuries ZB.

If there are any other details that might help, please let me know.

Thanks for your time.