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Date/Time: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:08:14 +0000

Post From: FXCM (CFD) Price display/Tick Size and Crosshair query

[2016-07-28 14:30:15]
User92573 - Posts: 538
Dear Support

SC is extremely flexible and there are a few settings I rarely use/change however I will be using the platform for a presentation at the weekend and there is a need to show the FXCM NAS100, NGAS and other CFD's, and there are some default setting queries/errors which probably relate to the fact FXCM uses Pips and Factional Pips, for everything.

The default Price display on the SC Platform for (FXCM):
NAS100 = .1
NGAS = .001

Default Tick Size
NAS100 = 1.000000 (1 full tick)
NGAS = 0.005000

Which are not actually those applicable to the FXCM instruments. I have read through the Support link at:

Adjusting Tool Values to the Tick Size

It does illustrate what I am experiencing but did not help clarify my understanding enough.

If I use the SC default Tick Size for these FXCM instruments the Global Crosshair cannot reside on a Bars OHLC due to the Tick Size increments;

If I reduce the Tick Size to the correct FXCM CFD Price Display/Tick Size of:

NAS100 = 0.0001/0.0001
NGAS = 0.0001/0.000500

It is corrected and I am obviously able to place the Crosshair more closely.

My question is this, do the default settings just need changing or are they tied to some underlying code within SC?
If I correct/adjust the default values will it impact any other areas of the program such as:

Does it impact Auto Trade?
Performance reports
Risk Return tools
Ratio tools
Swing Marker
And other background events

I realise you will be tied working on more important issues but if you are able at some point to provide some guidance I'd be very grateful.

Many thanks

Paul H
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-07-28 17:50:56