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Date/Time: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 18:00:26 +0000

Post From: Looking to replicate StochRSI osc fromMT4 in Sierra

[2016-07-01 00:09:51]
User113734 - Posts: 60
It is my understanding that most Stoch RSI indicators can add K period and slow period... is that something Sierra can deliver in its StochRSI?

If it helps, find below the MT4 code:

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_levelcolor PaleTurquoise
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_level1 20.0
#property indicator_level2 80.0

extern int RSIPeriod = 8;
extern int PeriodK = 8;
extern int SlowPeriod = 3;
double gda_88[];
double g_ibuf_92[];
double gda_96[];
bool gi_100 = FALSE;
string gs_104;

int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_92);
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, RSIPeriod);
gs_104 = "MT4-StochasticRSI-Oscillator-" + "v1.1" + " (" + RSIPeriod + "," + PeriodK + "," + SlowPeriod + ")";
SetIndexLabel(0, gs_104);
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_88, TRUE);
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_96, TRUE);
Print("Copyright (c) 2007 - Bruce Hellstrom, bhweb@speakeasy.net");
return (0);

int deinit() {
return (0);

int start() {
double ld_12;
double ld_20;
int li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
if (li_0 < 0) return (-1);
if (li_0 > 0) li_0--;
if (ArraySize(gda_88) != ArraySize(g_ibuf_92)) {
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_88, FALSE);
ArrayResize(gda_88, ArraySize(g_ibuf_92));
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_88, TRUE);
if (ArraySize(gda_96) != ArraySize(g_ibuf_92)) {
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_96, FALSE);
ArrayResize(gda_96, ArraySize(g_ibuf_92));
ArraySetAsSeries(gda_96, TRUE);
int li_4 = Bars - li_0;
for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) {
gda_88[li_8] = iRSI(NULL, 0, RSIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, li_8);
if (gi_100)
if (gda_88[li_8] > 100.0) Print("Bar: ", li_8, " RSI: ", gda_88[li_8]);
for (li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) {
ld_12 = LLV(gda_88, PeriodK, li_8);
ld_20 = HHV(gda_88, PeriodK, li_8);
if (ld_20 - ld_12 > 0.0) {
gda_96[li_8] = 100.0 * ((gda_88[li_8] - ld_12) / (ld_20 - ld_12));
if (gi_100 && li_8 < 100)
if (gda_96[li_8] > 100.0) Print("Bar: ", li_8, " TempBuffer: ", gda_96[li_8], " RSI: ", gda_88[li_8], " hhv: ", ld_20, " llv:", ld_12);
for (li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) g_ibuf_92[li_8] = iMAOnArray(gda_96, 0, SlowPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, li_8);
return (0);

double LLV(double ada_0[], int ai_4, int ai_8) {
double ld_ret_12 = 0.0;
int li_20 = ai_8;
for (int li_24 = li_20; li_24 < li_20 + ai_4; li_24++) {
if (li_24 == li_20) ld_ret_12 = ada_0[li_24];
ld_ret_12 = MathMin(ld_ret_12, ada_0[li_24]);
return (ld_ret_12);

double HHV(double ada_0[], int ai_4, int ai_8) {
double ld_ret_12 = 0.0;
int li_20 = ai_8;
for (int li_24 = li_20; li_24 < li_20 + ai_4; li_24++) {
if (li_24 == li_20) ld_ret_12 = ada_0[li_24];
ld_ret_12 = MathMax(ld_ret_12, ada_0[li_24]);
return (ld_ret_12);