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Date/Time: Wed, 08 Jan 2025 17:47:05 +0000

Post From: V1434 Waiting to Download Historical-Stays. Seems Won't Backtest AutoTrade

[2016-06-30 20:53:47]
User791263 - Posts: 151
I tried rapid disconnect today, 2 hours after this post.
Quick as I was to disconnect in 1-2 seconds, (it tried to connect twice),
it quickly messed up my backup day 06-25, adding up to part of 6-30 data.
= = = = = =

Trading systems must be tested on at least 15 very-different days.
The normal 3 days loaded won't do. Hence separate day files.
- - -
You're saying:
- LET SC attempt to download ONLY WITH cable connected,
- hit Disconnect after connect turns Green,
- so messages turn Red-"Download Cancelled" ?

This does't allow us to just unplug the I-net cable before start SC anymore?
(no connection=never goes green to cancel; Waiting to Dnload mssgs never go away)

My tests prove that's different than pre- 1430.
It was changed?

Now, we must be quick to avoid adding data to old separate day files?
We wanted files ended where they were.
Seems riskier to files than my way- may change stop point.

Pls clarify, for old days backtesting
a) anything in re download data was changed around 1430,
b) above is the new procedure (unplugging no longer allowed- yellow mssgs will hang),
c) no next day data will get added onto an old day file if we're quick to disconnect.

- - -
Though 1) you want(?) feedback on affects of releases, and
2) info like above might help many SC users,

I should
a) subscribe for nonbroker Instance,
b) send $ for support time.

An issue like this due to your changes should not be borne soley by me.
Do you allow about 15 minutes before this applies?

When I do very well, I had hoped to send SC a Bonus, in appreciation.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-06-30 21:54:20