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Date/Time: Mon, 06 Jan 2025 10:31:46 +0000

Post From: Uniform Tick Size on forex pairs - SC Forex data (FXCM)

[2016-05-30 13:25:58]
User365411 - Posts: 192
Using data from the "SC Forex data(FXCM)" server I noticed that forex pairs (ignoring for now JPY crosses) on the server have different tick size, some have 0.00001 other 0.00005 and 0.0001 others. It does not make much sense to me as it has the FXCM min. tick size is 0.00001
So when you change a symbol via watch list, those studies based on tick size (number bars, market profile, volume profile ... ) change appearance, and I have to manually change the values each time, it's very annoying...
Could you make them consistent, for example, all at 0.00001, (for the JPY crosses 0.001).

Thank you