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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:12:05 +0000

Post From: Show custom drawing tool name in Available Control Bar Commands listing

[2016-02-29 14:18:19]
User37537 - Posts: 78
Hi support,

When I open the window to customize a control bar, there are two lists, on the left there is 'Available control bar commands' and on the right there is 'Selected control bar commands'. With respect to custom drawing tools, in the left hand list the name for any custom tool which has been assigned is not displayed, which makes it very difficult to know which tool is being added. On the right it displays as "Custom Drawing Tool 1 | <toolname>" which is great. On the left, it only displays as "Custom Drawing Tool 1", which means nothing unless someone has memorized or written down each of their custom tool configs.

Would it be possible to modify the 'Available Control Bar Commands' list to display the custom drawing tools in the same format as on the right hand side, i.e. "Custom Drawing Tool 1 | <toolname>"