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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:48:34 +0000

Post From: How to see is the user drawing 'selected' or not ?

[2016-02-26 11:02:14]
User921987 - Posts: 238
Thank you for the suggestion but did not give any help.


Please see attached files about the situation as follows,

1. test.cpp
The code of our test study
2. chart.gif
The starting situation on the chart. There is 3 vertical lines and their index can be seen from the text field
3. selected.gif
This is what happened when I did a select by the mouse (left click). The small dots are telling me the line is "selected".
4. log1.gif
Then I pressed a user confugred button and here is what happened on the log
5. selected2.gif
Here I tried to select another line.
6. log2.gif
Again I pressed the user button and the log was updated

So at this point we can clearly see the sc.ActiveToolIndex does not update it's value

7. log3.gif
NOW I selected the line again and moved it from it's position to the next bar and then I moved it back to it's original position and then I pressed the user button again and here you can see the log is telling us now sc.ActiveToolIndex is updated correctly.
attachmenttest.cpp - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:52:31 UTC - Size: 845 B - 456 views
imagechart.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:52:41 UTC - Size: 17.34 KB - 320 views
imageselected.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:52:51 UTC - Size: 18.59 KB - 313 views
imagelog1.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:53:00 UTC - Size: 4.78 KB - 304 views
imageselected2.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:53:05 UTC - Size: 18.67 KB - 320 views
imagelog2.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:53:12 UTC - Size: 10.21 KB - 322 views
imagelog3.gif / V - Attached On 2016-02-26 10:53:16 UTC - Size: 11.46 KB - 308 views