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Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:25:11 +0000

Post From: Why is my Trade activity log showing duplicate fill messages for a single order ?

[2016-02-19 03:57:13]
User941434 - Posts: 39
I am experiencing an issue when making a singe autotrade with an automated spreadsheet for trading.For some reason I am getting two back to back order fill messages in the trade activity log for a single order. The order is filling only once as expected but the duplicate fill messages causes an incorrect number in my cell J5 and J8 for Position Quantity. See attached link showing a screenshot from my trade activity log.


This issue is causing double orders and glitches in my automated trading spreadsheet.

Any ideas why the double entries for fills are occurring in the trade activity log when the trade service only has a single fill for that order?