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Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:11:07 +0000

Post From: missing data

[2016-02-18 11:43:26]
User40526 - Posts: 166
I am missing data for the April crude contract from 5:00 am 2/17/2016 to 13:00 same day. I am using CTS T4 data feed. I have opened the T4 platform and the data is there on their charting package. I have gone to the 5 am bar and done a "delete and download data" to no avail. I have changed to other crude contracts, like March, and still have a gap. When I closed Sierra Charts last night, all of the data was there. No changes to my setup were made overnight. The session time frame for the chart is the same it has always been, 17:00:00 to 16:00:00. I opened another desktop with Interactive Brokers data feed and the data is all there.

I am baffled. Ideas? Thanks