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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:33:31 +0000

Post From: CPU usage for multi-core processor

[2016-01-30 00:22:43]
User791263 - Posts: 151
S.C. Engineers:

While designing such data file write module, consider adding a future alert message text file queue write feature (or write to an alerts spreadsheet would be great, that could output to Excel).

The new Data & Files Write module, or something similar might additionally optionally write Alert window messages queue each time it refills (24 records or each X-seconds) to an add-file comma-delimited text file or spreadsheet as above.

Such a file could greatly improve access to non-study drawing alerts, via non-S.C. Excel or Perl, etc. programs a user could weight and sum alerts in very useful ways, such as an Excel live-feed chart.

Excel could do the actual disk-file writing outside of S.C., from Live comm feed.

Or instead of charting or sorting, the output could allow selection of alerts for the user to flag as important (filtering), or which to send via email.
(do alerts do SMS text messages yet?
Such records could be color coded via formulas, weights, also.

An Alerts output file should have configurable additional fields for code-identifying association with each alert, rating, disposition (email, SMS, etc).

I suggested such an idea to SC, with conern that S.C. main program writing to a big sequential disk file might impact speed or resources, holding up Main processing (if not done by a semi-autonomous asynch module like you are planning.

My system generates up to alert 10 messages per second, but they are not useful as merely a 24-record Alert log window.
Messages should not build up in main CPU memory at 10/sec.,so an external file, outputting-adding 24 record (alerts) blocks would be ideal.

There are all kinds of useful things that an advanced user could do with that output, making Chart drawings much more useful. A spreadsheet could work with 1000 or so records.