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Date/Time: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:47:55 +0000

Post From: Amp/TTNet CME Market Depth Missing

[2016-01-29 20:03:09]
User47643 - Posts: 13
I now see where SC Engineering has mentioned the market depth data for 6E being 10 times the actual value at least four times since around January 11th.

I just now spoke with "Chuck" in technical support at AMP trading. He tried changing all sorts of settings in my SC remotely. I asked him why he thought there was nothing wrong with the Fix Adapter and he said he just wanted to check some basic settings first. When I told him that SC Engineering has said it was a TT problem, Chuck told me that there was then nothing we could do until TT fixed it. I told him that AMP needed to request assistance from TT. Chuck suggested I call TT. I told him that I had no way to contact TT and that I was not a customer of TT. I told him that AMP would have to contact TT. He said he would check to see what he could do about it and email me back.

In other words, Chuck doesn't have a clue, whatsoever! And Chuck is unwilling to contact anyone at AMP Trading that does have a clue. I even asked Chuck if TT maintains their FIX adapter and he he-hawed around and refused to answer that question. (He probably doesn't know.) I know, from past experience, that I can get this fixed through AMP Trading, but it might take several days and lots of phone calls to different people in order to finally get in touch with someone there that does have a clue about these sorts of things. It would be so much easier if SC would take care of contacting someone to fix this.

SC Engineering, surely you know someone, personally, by name, that you can contact to get this issue fixed, no? And I suspect you know whether it is personnel at AMP or personnel at TT that actually, hands-on fixes these type of issues with the AMP Trading FIX adapter, no?