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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:44:12 +0000

Post From: Missing intra day tick data

[2016-01-29 06:02:08]
User341070 - Posts: 13
Ok thanks guys.

The VP from yesterday (28th) matches perfectly with mine as you can see! However the VP from 27th doesn't with some volume missing around the vpoc.

What's odd though is that the VP from yesterday doesn't match my VP in jigsaw/NT, there str more contracts at certain prices. It baffles me as they are both running off CQG and your data which I'm assuming is accurate as it matches my VP from yesterday. How can CQG add more contracts to one platform? So bizarre.

I'm going to forward this thread onto the guys at S5. I think it's best to direct the conversation over to CQG for their opinion. Unless you have any further thoughts?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-02-04 01:36:58
imagesierra vp 28.01.jpg / V - Attached On 2016-01-29 06:01:49 UTC - Size: 260.19 KB - 267 views
imagesierra vp 27.01.jpg / V - Attached On 2016-01-29 06:02:02 UTC - Size: 295.12 KB - 276 views