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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:43:19 +0000

Post From: CPU usage for multi-core processor

[2016-01-29 01:12:51]
User704990 - Posts: 18
I hadn't heard about moving the studies up/down for precedence in processing, but that makes sense. Along the same line, charts that are furthest left on the chart tab area update quickest, so having a 40ms updating chart on the far right is counter productive fwiw.

Also as you likely know, set your longer timeframe charts to ~500ms or greater update frequency. I think the way to do this is to set your deflt update to the higher ms setting, then just adjust your fast charts individually. I plan on doing this over the wkend.

For performance I turn everything off, no themes, < 35 processes running,etc.

Have you ever considered a pcie nic that has its own processing power to help ease the main cpu load?