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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:40:44 +0000

Post From: CPU usage for multi-core processor

[2016-01-28 19:27:47]
User704990 - Posts: 18
I haven't used dx12 so take what I say with a grain of salt but it seems there are greater benefits then just graphics. But lets assume it is just graphics.

If you have a complex chart and reduce horizontal scaling to show many days/bars and then drag the vertical scale you can notice a delay in responsiveness due to the many redraws that need to take place . This doesn't really happen if done with a blank chart. This can also be tried while disconnected from the datafeed.

Support has commented numerous times about video drivers being up to date and that video is potentially the greatest load once the obvious factors are considered.

**Right from the article you linked, a few paragraphs down...

"That means it’s a set of routines and protocols that sit between apps (ie games) and your hardware (ie your CPU and GPU) and define how it all interacts. DX12 covers all kinds of things from audio to 2D video."

It would be great to hear Win10 user comments re greater/more balanced cpu utilization with sierra.

I always set 3D to near off and go for intermediate quality on settings for charts.

Are you doing this within win advanced sys settings?
