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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:49:50 +0000

Post From: simple code request

[2016-01-23 17:34:53]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4177
Attached is a spreadsheet file that will do this. Put it in your Sierra Chart \Data folder.

Then do this:
1) Add the Spreadsheet System/Alert study
-Click on the Select button next to the Spreadsheet Name field and choose ATRSwingHL
-On the Subgraphs tab, set the Draw Style of 'Swing H-L > ATR*n' to Color Bar
2) Edit formulas in these cells:
O3 & P3: change the ID#s to the one of your Swing High and Low study.
S3: change the ID# to the one of your ATR study.

The ATR multiplier is in cell S1 and can be edited.

This setup will color the price bars when the most recent Swing H minus the most recent Swing L is greater than the ATR times its multiplier.
attachmentATRSwingHL.scss - Attached On 2016-01-23 17:32:10 UTC - Size: 145.8 KB - 537 views